Stressorbasierte Psychotherapie
Belastungssymptome wirksam transformieren - ein integrativer Ansatz
Sabine Ahrens-Eipper, Michael Bachg, Marianne Fuentes-Carpentier, Ricky Greenwald, Thomas Hensel, Regina Hiller, Ero Langlotz, Katrin Nelius, Gail Noppe-Brandon, Ulla Rutz, Oliver Schubbe, Michael Simons, Ellen Spangenberg, Dagmar Taferner, Robin Ticic, Dorothea Weinberg
Social awareness of the consequences of interpersonal violence, particularly against children and young people, has grown enormously in recent years. Psychotraumatological research has made a significant contribution to this by clearly showing that unprocessed stressful life experiences in the form of chronic stress and affect dysregulation can cause a wide range of psychological and physical disorders. With a transdiagnostic approach and based on a new learning paradigm involving memory consolidation, this method offers psychotherapists an innovative and integrative conceptual framework and a cross-methodological treatment algorithm that takes these findings into account. The content of this second edition has been revised and new therapeutic methods have been included.