Studien zu den thrakischen Prunkgräbern des 4. Jhs. v.Chr.
Band 1: Agighiol und Peretu (Rumänien)./ Studii despre mormintele fastuoase tracice din secolul 4 a.Chr./ Volumul 1: Agighiol şi Peretu (România)
Adrian Bălăseşcu, Antje Büttner-Teleagă, Migdonia Georgescu, Gheorghe Niculescu, Andrei Dorian Soficaru, Emilian Teleaga
This book is the 3rd volume on the projects “Iron Age waggon graves of South-Eastern Europe” and “Interdisciplinary studies on the ostentatious grave at Agighiol”. After the beginnings of figural Thracian art in the 5th century [SEAT 1] and Late Hallstatt waggon graves in the Carpathian Basin [SEAT 2,1], volume 3 comprises 2 fascicles on the Thracian waggon graves in 4th century Romania, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, the territory of the Getae, Odrysians, Triballi, and Paeonians at the time. The ostentatious grave at Agighiol [Dobruja] with Thracian and Scythian architectural features contained two non-local young females, weaponry, jewellery, Greek imports, a handsome imported horse, and a ritually disjointed nag of local origin as well as horse-gear decoration made from silver not derived from coins. The contemporaneous grave from Peretu [Wallachia] belonged to an adult male with a small-sized yearling. The iron remains of his light four-wheeled waggon were deposited in a charred condition. The metal of the horse-gear originated from another source of ore than at Agighiol. The volume terminates with the original excavation documentation from Agighiol which is important for the history of research.