Leaf Venation Patterns / Euphorbiaceae

Leaf Venation Patterns / Euphorbiaceae von Klucking,  Edward P
The Euphorbiaceae is a large family of dicot angiosperms consisting of 326 genera and 7750 species (Mabberley, 1987). The family is nearly cosmopolitan in distribution and most are shrubs or trees, many xerophytic in habit. Leaves of more than 1700 species were collected from the Rijksherbarium at Leiden and the Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium at St. Louis. These leaves were cleared and photographed and arranged for description according to the classification proposed by Webster (1975). In this classification the family is divided into 5 subfamilies and 52 tribes. Venation patterns of slightly more than 700 species from the first two subfamilies, consisting of 17 tribes, will be described in this volume.
Aktualisiert: 2022-06-24
> findR *

Leaf Venation Patterns / Annonaceae

Leaf Venation Patterns / Annonaceae von Klucking,  Edward P
Leaves are the most common and visible organs of living plants, herbarium specimens, and fossil remains and their general patterns of venation are easily recognized and seemingly quite distinct. E.J.H. Corner (1968) wrote that, "Patterns of veins differ greatly according to the kinds of plants and, if they were properly understood and could be described accurately, they would be found as characteristic of plant species as fingerprints of human beings." This ideal is a long way from being realized and may not prove to be feasible. The venation of individual specimens, particularly fossil ones, has long been used for species identification. However, in order to determine how reliable venation patterns are for identifying plants the different kinds of existing patterns should be worked out and their distribution among the angiosperms be determined. As a means for working out the existing kinds of venation patterns one can use either a developmental approach or an evolutionary one. In the developmental approach the venation patterns are considered to be products of stages of individual maturation whereas in the evolutionary approach they are considered to represent phases of taxon development. The developmental approach is here for describing the venation patterns of the Annonaceae.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-18
> findR *

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