Validation in Thermal Analysis

Validation in Thermal Analysis von Schubnell,  Markus
The validation of equipment, processes and methods is a basic requirement that nowadays has to be met in most industries. This handbook deals with the validation of computerized systems in general as well as with analytical method validation. The many detailed practical examples focus on thermal analysis of materials, such as plastics and rubber. The handbook is intended for newcomers interested in the theoretical and regulatory aspects of validation and for thermal analysis practitioners who have to validate their equipment and methods. Contents: Part 1: Validation of Computerized SystemsRecent Changes in Regulations and Regulatory GuidanceInstrument Qualification, Computerized System Validation and Method ValidationRegulatory Requirements for Computerized System ValidationComputerized System ValidationWriting the User Requirements Specification (URS)Auditing the System SupplierInstallation Qualification and Operational Qualification (IQ and OQ)Performance Qualification (PQ) or End User Testing Part 2: Method ValidationMeasurement Errors and Uncertainty of MeasurementValidation of Analytical Procedures and MethodsInterlaboratory Studies in Thermal AnalysisMethod Development Through to SOPPractical Examples Appendix 1: 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11Appendix 2: Basic StatisticsAppendix 3: Standard Test Methods for Thermal Analysis
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-10
> findR *

Validation in Thermal Analysis

Validation in Thermal Analysis von Schubnell,  Markus
The validation of equipment, processes and methods is a basic requirement that nowadays has to be met in most industries. This handbook deals with the validation of computerized systems in general as well as with analytical method validation. The many detailed practical examples focus on thermal analysis of materials, such as plastics and rubber. The handbook is intended for newcomers interested in the theoretical and regulatory aspects of validation and for thermal analysis practitioners who have to validate their equipment and methods. Contents: Part 1: Validation of Computerized Systems Recent Changes in Regulations and Regulatory Guidance Instrument Qualification, Computerized System Validation and Method Validation Regulatory Requirements for Computerized System Validation Computerized System Validation Writing the User Requirements Specification (URS) Auditing the System Supplier Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification (IQ and OQ) Performance Qualification (PQ) or End User Testing Part 2: Method Validation Measurement Errors and Uncertainty of Measurement Validation of Analytical Procedures and Methods Interlaboratory Studies in Thermal Analysis Method Development Through to SOP Practical Examples Appendix 1: 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11 Appendix 2: Basic Statistics Appendix 3: Standard Test Methods for Thermal Analysis
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-17
> findR *

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