Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Perspectives on Wind Tunnel Technology: Past, Present and Future - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Acoustic Properties and Measurement System - Three Dimensional Beamforming for Improved Noise Source Localisation - Virtual Comprehensive Thermal Modelling in Order to Increase the Component Durability for Environmental Sustainability - e-generation: Key Technologies for the Next Generation of Electric Vehicles: Thermal Management - Designing Quieter HVAC Systems Coupling LBM and Flow-Induced Noise Source Identification Methods - Dynamic Mode Decomposition Analysis of Flow Fields from Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations - Reduction of CO2 Emissions for Energy Efficient 2020 Passenger Cars by Applying the State of the Art Aerodynamic Research Techniques - Multipoint Pressure Strip Measurement for Advanced CFD Validation - Aerodynamic Optimizations of the Audi Q5 Using the Continuous Adjoint Method in OpenFoam - Temperature Influence on Aerodynamic Simulations - Steady-State to Race-Track Applications - Aerothermal Investigations in the Development of Commercial Vehicles - Identification Methodology of Key Coefficients for Cooling and Heat Resistance Prediction of Vehicles - Component Temperature Collectives for Vehicle Thermal Management - Unsteady Aerodynamic Vehicle Properties of the DriveAer Model in the IVK Model Scale Wind Tunnel - The Aerodynamics Development of a New Light Commercial Vehicle Concept Under Uniform and Transient Flow Conditions - Crosswind Sensitivity of Road Vehicles - Commercial Vehicle Aerodynamics Beyond the Standard Truck-Trailer-Combination - An Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Effects For a Saloon Car - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Design and Aerodynamic Features - Comparison of On-Road and Wind Tunnel Testing of Side Window Soiling Using a New Method
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Perspectives on Wind Tunnel Technology: Past, Present and Future - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Acoustic Properties and Measurement System - Three Dimensional Beamforming for Improved Noise Source Localisation - Virtual Comprehensive Thermal Modelling in Order to Increase the Component Durability for Environmental Sustainability - e-generation: Key Technologies for the Next Generation of Electric Vehicles: Thermal Management - Designing Quieter HVAC Systems Coupling LBM and Flow-Induced Noise Source Identification Methods - Dynamic Mode Decomposition Analysis of Flow Fields from Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations - Reduction of CO2 Emissions for Energy Efficient 2020 Passenger Cars by Applying the State of the Art Aerodynamic Research Techniques - Multipoint Pressure Strip Measurement for Advanced CFD Validation - Aerodynamic Optimizations of the Audi Q5 Using the Continuous Adjoint Method in OpenFoam - Temperature Influence on Aerodynamic Simulations - Steady-State to Race-Track Applications - Aerothermal Investigations in the Development of Commercial Vehicles - Identification Methodology of Key Coefficients for Cooling and Heat Resistance Prediction of Vehicles - Component Temperature Collectives for Vehicle Thermal Management - Unsteady Aerodynamic Vehicle Properties of the DriveAer Model in the IVK Model Scale Wind Tunnel - The Aerodynamics Development of a New Light Commercial Vehicle Concept Under Uniform and Transient Flow Conditions - Crosswind Sensitivity of Road Vehicles - Commercial Vehicle Aerodynamics Beyond the Standard Truck-Trailer-Combination - An Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Effects For a Saloon Car - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Design and Aerodynamic Features - Comparison of On-Road and Wind Tunnel Testing of Side Window Soiling Using a New Method
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-05
> findR *

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Perspectives on Wind Tunnel Technology: Past, Present and Future - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Acoustic Properties and Measurement System - Three Dimensional Beamforming for Improved Noise Source Localisation - Virtual Comprehensive Thermal Modelling in Order to Increase the Component Durability for Environmental Sustainability - e-generation: Key Technologies for the Next Generation of Electric Vehicles: Thermal Management - Designing Quieter HVAC Systems Coupling LBM and Flow-Induced Noise Source Identification Methods - Dynamic Mode Decomposition Analysis of Flow Fields from Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations - Reduction of CO2 Emissions for Energy Efficient 2020 Passenger Cars by Applying the State of the Art Aerodynamic Research Techniques - Multipoint Pressure Strip Measurement for Advanced CFD Validation - Aerodynamic Optimizations of the Audi Q5 Using the Continuous Adjoint Method in OpenFoam - Temperature Influence on Aerodynamic Simulations - Steady-State to Race-Track Applications - Aerothermal Investigations in the Development of Commercial Vehicles - Identification Methodology of Key Coefficients for Cooling and Heat Resistance Prediction of Vehicles - Component Temperature Collectives for Vehicle Thermal Management - Unsteady Aerodynamic Vehicle Properties of the DriveAer Model in the IVK Model Scale Wind Tunnel - The Aerodynamics Development of a New Light Commercial Vehicle Concept Under Uniform and Transient Flow Conditions - Crosswind Sensitivity of Road Vehicles - Commercial Vehicle Aerodynamics Beyond the Standard Truck-Trailer-Combination - An Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Effects For a Saloon Car - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Design and Aerodynamic Features - Comparison of On-Road and Wind Tunnel Testing of Side Window Soiling Using a New Method
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-08
> findR *

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management

Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Perspectives on Wind Tunnel Technology: Past, Present and Future - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Acoustic Properties and Measurement System - Three Dimensional Beamforming for Improved Noise Source Localisation - Virtual Comprehensive Thermal Modelling in Order to Increase the Component Durability for Environmental Sustainability - e-generation: Key Technologies for the Next Generation of Electric Vehicles: Thermal Management - Designing Quieter HVAC Systems Coupling LBM and Flow-Induced Noise Source Identification Methods - Dynamic Mode Decomposition Analysis of Flow Fields from Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations - Reduction of CO2 Emissions for Energy Efficient 2020 Passenger Cars by Applying the State of the Art Aerodynamic Research Techniques - Multipoint Pressure Strip Measurement for Advanced CFD Validation - Aerodynamic Optimizations of the Audi Q5 Using the Continuous Adjoint Method in OpenFoam - Temperature Influence on Aerodynamic Simulations - Steady-State to Race-Track Applications - Aerothermal Investigations in the Development of Commercial Vehicles - Identification Methodology of Key Coefficients for Cooling and Heat Resistance Prediction of Vehicles - Component Temperature Collectives for Vehicle Thermal Management - Unsteady Aerodynamic Vehicle Properties of the DriveAer Model in the IVK Model Scale Wind Tunnel - The Aerodynamics Development of a New Light Commercial Vehicle Concept Under Uniform and Transient Flow Conditions - Crosswind Sensitivity of Road Vehicles - Commercial Vehicle Aerodynamics Beyond the Standard Truck-Trailer-Combination - An Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Effects For a Saloon Car - The New Daimler Automotive Wind Tunnel: Design and Aerodynamic Features - Comparison of On-Road and Wind Tunnel Testing of Side Window Soiling Using a New Method
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-04
> findR *

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