Compact heritage

Compact heritage von Daimler AG,  Mercedes Benz /
Mercedes-Benz automotive history, easy to read and compact This two-volume, silver Daimler AG reference work lives up to its title and presents the company’s 125-year history from 1886 to 2011 in a short, concise form. Volume one, The motor car family tree, showcases the evolution of the car from 1886 to 2010 using various family trees. The book not only illustrates how the vehicles from Daimler AG and its predecessor companies have developed but also takes a look at automotive history in general. This volume deals specifically with the development of automotive technology, technical milestones, design, the company and the well-known names associated with Mercedes-Benz motorsport. An index and a wide range of additional information about motoring associations, car museums, classic cars and much more round out the overall work. Volume two, Automotive history from 1886, looks beyond the products to focus on the company’s many activities. From thrilling motorsport victories and the development of automotive technology and design to the fascinating evolution of the company from a workshop in the late 19th century to one of the world’s leading automotive groups in the 21st century, the book offers readers a glimpse into the pivotal moments behind today’s Daimler AG. Tradition Kompakt goes beyond being just a general automotive history reference work to invite readers to take a trip back in time and get to know the rich history of Mercedes-Benz and its cars, both of which have gone on to become cultural icons.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-12
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