Die Welfen

Die Welfen von Aschoff,  Hans-Georg
This fascinating and varied history of this remarkable European dynasty begins in the Early Modern Age. The three principalities Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel with recidences in Hannover, Celle und Wolfenbüttel evolve. The Wolfenbüttel line becomes renowned as patrons of art. The Hannover line however succeeded in gaining the status of electors in 1692 and the line of royal succession in Great Britain from 1714, thus re-emerging on the European stage and re-gaining old strength. With the end of the British Hanoverian personal union in 1837 the kingdom Hannover kept it's independence until 1866, when they where annexed by Prussia. In the German Empire the family preserved its social importance. Guelphian rule of the dukedom Brauenschweig ended in 1918 in the tumult of revolution.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Welfen

Die Welfen von Aschoff,  Hans-Georg
This fascinating and varied history of this remarkable European dynasty begins in the Early Modern Age. The three principalities Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel with recidences in Hannover, Celle und Wolfenbüttel evolve. The Wolfenbüttel line becomes renowned as patrons of art. The Hannover line however succeeded in gaining the status of electors in 1692 and the line of royal succession in Great Britain from 1714, thus re-emerging on the European stage and re-gaining old strength. With the end of the British Hanoverian personal union in 1837 the kingdom Hannover kept it's independence until 1866, when they where annexed by Prussia. In the German Empire the family preserved its social importance. Guelphian rule of the dukedom Brauenschweig ended in 1918 in the tumult of revolution.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Welfen

Die Welfen von Aschoff,  Hans-Georg
This fascinating and varied history of this remarkable European dynasty begins in the Early Modern Age. The three principalities Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel with recidences in Hannover, Celle und Wolfenbüttel evolve. The Wolfenbüttel line becomes renowned as patrons of art. The Hannover line however succeeded in gaining the status of electors in 1692 and the line of royal succession in Great Britain from 1714, thus re-emerging on the European stage and re-gaining old strength. With the end of the British Hanoverian personal union in 1837 the kingdom Hannover kept it's independence until 1866, when they where annexed by Prussia. In the German Empire the family preserved its social importance. Guelphian rule of the dukedom Brauenschweig ended in 1918 in the tumult of revolution.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Welfen

Die Welfen von Aschoff,  Hans-Georg
This fascinating and varied history of this remarkable European dynasty begins in the Early Modern Age. The three principalities Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel with recidences in Hannover, Celle und Wolfenbüttel evolve. The Wolfenbüttel line becomes renowned as patrons of art. The Hannover line however succeeded in gaining the status of electors in 1692 and the line of royal succession in Great Britain from 1714, thus re-emerging on the European stage and re-gaining old strength. With the end of the British Hanoverian personal union in 1837 the kingdom Hannover kept it's independence until 1866, when they where annexed by Prussia. In the German Empire the family preserved its social importance. Guelphian rule of the dukedom Brauenschweig ended in 1918 in the tumult of revolution.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Welfen

Die Welfen von Aschoff,  Hans-Georg
This fascinating and varied history of this remarkable European dynasty begins in the Early Modern Age. The three principalities Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel with recidences in Hannover, Celle und Wolfenbüttel evolve. The Wolfenbüttel line becomes renowned as patrons of art. The Hannover line however succeeded in gaining the status of electors in 1692 and the line of royal succession in Great Britain from 1714, thus re-emerging on the European stage and re-gaining old strength. With the end of the British Hanoverian personal union in 1837 the kingdom Hannover kept it's independence until 1866, when they where annexed by Prussia. In the German Empire the family preserved its social importance. Guelphian rule of the dukedom Brauenschweig ended in 1918 in the tumult of revolution.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Die Welfen

Die Welfen von Aschoff,  Hans-Georg
This fascinating and varied history of this remarkable European dynasty begins in the Early Modern Age. The three principalities Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen, Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel with recidences in Hannover, Celle und Wolfenbüttel evolve. The Wolfenbüttel line becomes renowned as patrons of art. The Hannover line however succeeded in gaining the status of electors in 1692 and the line of royal succession in Great Britain from 1714, thus re-emerging on the European stage and re-gaining old strength. With the end of the British Hanoverian personal union in 1837 the kingdom Hannover kept it's independence until 1866, when they where annexed by Prussia. In the German Empire the family preserved its social importance. Guelphian rule of the dukedom Brauenschweig ended in 1918 in the tumult of revolution.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Fürstentum Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen

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