This book explores how the Communist League of Western Germany (Kommunistischer Bund Westdeutschland, or the KBW), a Marxist-Leninist party that existed from 1973 until 1984, constructed the Khmer Rouge as honorable role models. The analysis is based on a sociology of knowledge approach to discourse.
Developments in the field of area studies — goaded by the analytical deconstruction of world regions from their geopolitical sense — have deeply affected the knowledge production from societies and cultures located in the politicized compartmentalization of the globe. With this series, the editors and authors wish to contribute to a reformulation of sensibilities in area studies which emphasizes the epistemic value of contextualized knowledge production. Starting with the notion of Southeast Asia, books published in this series will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of regionality based on a multidisciplinary approach. The series represents an outlet for young scholars intending to publish their degree theses; and for established scholars who are looking for a place to republish out-of-print books. We also encourage scholarly collectives from the regions to publish collaborative works or edited volumes on topics that usually will not attract the attention of big presses due to their transdisciplinary orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-28
> findR *
This book explores how the Communist League of Western Germany (Kommunistischer Bund Westdeutschland, or the KBW), a Marxist-Leninist party that existed from 1973 until 1984, constructed the Khmer Rouge as honorable role models. The analysis is based on a sociology of knowledge approach to discourse.
Developments in the field of area studies — goaded by the analytical deconstruction of world regions from their geopolitical sense — have deeply affected the knowledge production from societies and cultures located in the politicized compartmentalization of the globe. With this series, the editors and authors wish to contribute to a reformulation of sensibilities in area studies which emphasizes the epistemic value of contextualized knowledge production. Starting with the notion of Southeast Asia, books published in this series will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of regionality based on a multidisciplinary approach. The series represents an outlet for young scholars intending to publish their degree theses; and for established scholars who are looking for a place to republish out-of-print books. We also encourage scholarly collectives from the regions to publish collaborative works or edited volumes on topics that usually will not attract the attention of big presses due to their transdisciplinary orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-21
> findR *
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