This volume deals with the Synurophyceae, a group of silica scaled chrysophyte algae. Taxonomy within this class is based on the ultrastructure of the silica scales and bristles, and electron microscopy is in most cases necessary for the identification. Even though the 128 taxa occurring in Europe are emphasized and details of their distribution are given, the volume includes all taxa described worldwide. Thus it is possible to identify all 212 taxa with a high degree of certainty (i.e., 180 taxa of , 30 taxa of , plus the single species of and ).
The importance of this book lies in four main fields:
This is the first modern world-comprehensive book on the subject. It will be indispensable for phycologists, but should also find its way to general botanical libraries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-03
> findR *
This volume deals with the Synurophyceae, a group of silica scaled chrysophyte algae. Taxonomy within this class is based on the ultrastructure of the silica scales and bristles, and electron microscopy is in most cases necessary for the identification. Even though the 128 taxa occurring in Europe are emphasized and details of their distribution are given, the volume includes all taxa described worldwide. Thus it is possible to identify all 212 taxa with a high degree of certainty (i.e., 180 taxa of , 30 taxa of , plus the single species of and ).
The importance of this book lies in four main fields:
This is the first modern world-comprehensive book on the subject. It will be indispensable for phycologists, but should also find its way to general botanical libraries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-03
> findR *
This volume deals with the Synurophyceae, a group of silica scaled chrysophyte algae. Taxonomy within this class is based on the ultrastructure of the silica scales and bristles, and electron microscopy is in most cases necessary for the identification. Even though the 128 taxa occurring in Europe are emphasized and details of their distribution are given, the volume includes all taxa described worldwide. Thus it is possible to identify all 212 taxa with a high degree of certainty (i.e., 180 taxa of , 30 taxa of , plus the single species of and ).
The importance of this book lies in four main fields:
This is the first modern world-comprehensive book on the subject. It will be indispensable for phycologists, but should also find its way to general botanical libraries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
This volume deals with the Synurophyceae, a group of silica scaled chrysophyte algae. Taxonomy within this class is based on the ultrastructure of the silica scales and bristles, and electron microscopy is in most cases necessary for the identification. Even though the 128 taxa occurring in Europe are emphasized and details of their distribution are given, the volume includes all taxa described worldwide. Thus it is possible to identify all 212 taxa with a high degree of certainty (i.e., 180 taxa of , 30 taxa of , plus the single species of and ).
The importance of this book lies in four main fields:
This is the first modern world-comprehensive book on the subject. It will be indispensable for phycologists, but should also find its way to general botanical libraries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Algen sind Organismen der Superlative. Die meisten Algen in den Weltmeeren sind einzellig, doch trotzdem stammen rund 45 Prozent des gesamten Sauerstoffs auf unserem Planeten von ihnen.
Vor allem aber sind Algen Grundlage allen Lebens im Meer – und natürlich auch im Meeresaquarium. In der Riffaquaristik stellen sie jedoch zugleich auch eines der größten Probleme dar, denn in vielen Becken kommt es zu Massenvermehrungen einzelner Arten, die Korallen schwer schädigen und die Freude an diesem Hobby zerstören. Jahrelang kämpft mancher Aquarianer vergeblich gegen die Plage, bis er das Aquarium schließlich frustriert aufgibt.
Je besser der Meerwasseraquarianer Algen versteht, umso leichter wird es ihm fallen, mit ihnen umzugehen und zu leben, ihre Vorteile zu nutzen und die Nachteile zu meiden. Dieses Buch soll dem Leser einfache Zusammenhänge in der Biologie der Algen verständlich machen und Einblick in ihre Lebensweise geben, damit es ihm leichter und besser gelingt, ihre Vermehrung zu steuern.
Art für Art stellen Ihnen die Bücher dieser Reihe die beliebtesten Meerwasser-Aquarientiere vor. Jeder Band bietet leicht verständliche Informationen über eine bestimmte Tiergruppe, erläutert Körperbau sowie Lebensweise und beschreibt die Aquarienhaltung. Experten mit langjähriger Erfahrung geben detaillierte, praxisnahe Pflegeanleitungen, und Sie finden alle Informationen, die Sie brauchen, um Ihre Tiere erfolgreich zu halten und oft auch zu vermehren.
Das alles durchgängig farbig, großzügig bebildert und attraktiv gestaltet - Art für Art.
Aktualisiert: 2022-06-01
> findR *
This volume deals with the Synurophyceae, a group of silica scaled chrysophyte algae. Taxonomy within this class is based on the ultrastructure of the silica scales and bristles, and electron microscopy is in most cases necessary for the identification. Even though the 128 taxa occurring in Europe are emphasized and details of their distribution are given, the volume includes all taxa described worldwide. Thus it is possible to identify all 212 taxa with a high degree of certainty (i.e., 180 taxa of , 30 taxa of , plus the single species of and ).
The importance of this book lies in four main fields:
This is the first modern world-comprehensive book on the subject. It will be indispensable for phycologists, but should also find its way to general botanical libraries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
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