
Chicken von Tranchellini,  Matteo
With informative texts on chicken breeds and how to keep chickens A timely celebration of the growing chicken-keeping trend It is no longer a secret that chickens are the new stars of the farmyard, meadows, gardens, and urban backyards. As more and more people think about local and sustainable living, the trend towards keeping chickens and home-laid eggs seems more popular than ever.With this photo book, Matteo Tranchellini and Moreno Monti pay tribute to our favorite, feathered friends. With dazzling pictures, the photographers set straight some preconceptions about poultry, showing just what elegance, grace, and character these hens and roosters can display. With page after page of vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and dynamic postures, this book leaves no doubt: we have underestimated the feathered beauties of the coop for far too long. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *


Chicken von Tranchellini,  Matteo
With informative texts on chicken breeds and how to keep chickens A timely celebration of the growing chicken-keeping trend It is no longer a secret that chickens are the new stars of the farmyard, meadows, gardens, and urban backyards. As more and more people think about local and sustainable living, the trend towards keeping chickens and home-laid eggs seems more popular than ever.With this photo book, Matteo Tranchellini and Moreno Monti pay tribute to our favorite, feathered friends. With dazzling pictures, the photographers set straight some preconceptions about poultry, showing just what elegance, grace, and character these hens and roosters can display. With page after page of vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and dynamic postures, this book leaves no doubt: we have underestimated the feathered beauties of the coop for far too long. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
> findR *


Chicken von Tranchellini,  Matteo
With informative texts on chicken breeds and how to keep chickens A timely celebration of the growing chicken-keeping trend It is no longer a secret that chickens are the new stars of the farmyard, meadows, gardens, and urban backyards. As more and more people think about local and sustainable living, the trend towards keeping chickens and home-laid eggs seems more popular than ever.With this photo book, Matteo Tranchellini and Moreno Monti pay tribute to our favorite, feathered friends. With dazzling pictures, the photographers set straight some preconceptions about poultry, showing just what elegance, grace, and character these hens and roosters can display. With page after page of vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and dynamic postures, this book leaves no doubt: we have underestimated the feathered beauties of the coop for far too long. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-16
> findR *

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