Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Drag Reduction from Rear Body Tapering - Aerodynamics of the New A3 Sedan: Sportiness with Style - Enhanced Thermal Management for PHEV and EV - Heat Exchangers for Rankine Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Managing the Heat at high Performance and low Fuel Consumption: The New Porsche 918 Spyder - Effect of Non-Uniform Flow Conditions on Vehicle Aerodynamic Performance - Quantitative representations of unsteady aerodynamic effects on flat ride of vehicles - The new CLA - aesthetics and aerodynamics - Aerodynamic Shapeshifter - The New Porsche 911 Turbo - Developing Rapid Turnaround Techniques in Aerodynamic Development. Experiences with the Infiniti Emerg-E and Beyond - Use of Large Scale Optimization Techniques in the Aero/Thermo Development @ Ford - Investigations on the Flow around Wheels using Different Road Simulation Tools - Advanced Investigation Methods on Side Class Soiling - Studies Toward Validating and Implementing Open-Jet Interference Corrections
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Drag Reduction from Rear Body Tapering - Aerodynamics of the New A3 Sedan: Sportiness with Style - Enhanced Thermal Management for PHEV and EV - Heat Exchangers for Rankine Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Managing the Heat at high Performance and low Fuel Consumption: The New Porsche 918 Spyder - Effect of Non-Uniform Flow Conditions on Vehicle Aerodynamic Performance - Quantitative representations of unsteady aerodynamic effects on flat ride of vehicles - The new CLA - aesthetics and aerodynamics - Aerodynamic Shapeshifter - The New Porsche 911 Turbo - Developing Rapid Turnaround Techniques in Aerodynamic Development. Experiences with the Infiniti Emerg-E and Beyond - Use of Large Scale Optimization Techniques in the Aero/Thermo Development @ Ford - Investigations on the Flow around Wheels using Different Road Simulation Tools - Advanced Investigation Methods on Side Class Soiling - Studies Toward Validating and Implementing Open-Jet Interference Corrections
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-05
> findR *
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Drag Reduction from Rear Body Tapering - Aerodynamics of the New A3 Sedan: Sportiness with Style - Enhanced Thermal Management for PHEV and EV - Heat Exchangers for Rankine Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Managing the Heat at high Performance and low Fuel Consumption: The New Porsche 918 Spyder - Effect of Non-Uniform Flow Conditions on Vehicle Aerodynamic Performance - Quantitative representations of unsteady aerodynamic effects on flat ride of vehicles - The new CLA - aesthetics and aerodynamics - Aerodynamic Shapeshifter - The New Porsche 911 Turbo - Developing Rapid Turnaround Techniques in Aerodynamic Development. Experiences with the Infiniti Emerg-E and Beyond - Use of Large Scale Optimization Techniques in the Aero/Thermo Development @ Ford - Investigations on the Flow around Wheels using Different Road Simulation Tools - Advanced Investigation Methods on Side Class Soiling - Studies Toward Validating and Implementing Open-Jet Interference Corrections
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-08
> findR *
Both vehicle aerodynamics and thermal management have great impact on fuel consumption and emission. Following the recent political discussions for new regulations and also the demands of car drivers for saving fuel costs and improved comfort great effort is needed to fulfil the requirements. Innovative approaches must be developed. New design solutions in both fields are necessary and therefore also the relevant development tools have to be improved. Moreover, shorter development times are required to satisfy the ever changing market. Contents: Drag Reduction from Rear Body Tapering - Aerodynamics of the New A3 Sedan: Sportiness with Style - Enhanced Thermal Management for PHEV and EV - Heat Exchangers for Rankine Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Managing the Heat at high Performance and low Fuel Consumption: The New Porsche 918 Spyder - Effect of Non-Uniform Flow Conditions on Vehicle Aerodynamic Performance - Quantitative representations of unsteady aerodynamic effects on flat ride of vehicles - The new CLA - aesthetics and aerodynamics - Aerodynamic Shapeshifter - The New Porsche 911 Turbo - Developing Rapid Turnaround Techniques in Aerodynamic Development. Experiences with the Infiniti Emerg-E and Beyond - Use of Large Scale Optimization Techniques in the Aero/Thermo Development @ Ford - Investigations on the Flow around Wheels using Different Road Simulation Tools - Advanced Investigation Methods on Side Class Soiling - Studies Toward Validating and Implementing Open-Jet Interference Corrections
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-04
> findR *
Man könnte es das Begleitwerk zur landesweit geltenden 'Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung (BBodSchV)' nennen: das 'Handbuch der Bodenuntersuchung'. Dieses Loseblattwerk enthält alle in der BBodSchV aufgeführten technischen Regeln als Volltexte und bildet somit eine zukunftsorientierte, solide Arbeitsgrundlage für jeden, der im weitesten Sinne mit der Umsetzung dieser Verordnung befasst ist; u. a. sind die einschlägigen Gesetzestexte sowie rund 100 Deutsche und Europäische Normen wiedergegeben: technische Regeln zur Probenahme, zur chemischen, physikalischen, biologischen und mineralogischen Untersuchung von Böden und Bodenmaterial sowie Begriffs- und Klassifikationsnormen und Regeln zur Verwertung von Abfällen in und auf dem Boden.
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-30
> findR *
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