Development and environment

Development and environment von Conference on the Human Environment 1971,  Founex
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction / Strong, Maurice F. -- I. The Report of the Panel -- II. Selected Working Papers -- Development and the Human Environment / Iglesias, Enrique -- The Implementation of Environmental Policies / Kapp, K. William -- Environmental Policies for the Developing Countries and Their Development Strategy / Kulig, Jan -- Economic Development and the Preservation of Environment / de Almeida, Miguel Ozorio -- Environmental Quality Management and Development Planning: Some Suggestions for Action / Sachs, Ignacy -- Environmental Costs and Priorities: A Study at Different Locations and Stages of Development -- The Implications of Environmental Measures for International Trade and Development -- Industrial Pollution Control and International Trade
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Development and environment

Development and environment von Conference on the Human Environment 1971,  Founex
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction / Strong, Maurice F. -- I. The Report of the Panel -- II. Selected Working Papers -- Development and the Human Environment / Iglesias, Enrique -- The Implementation of Environmental Policies / Kapp, K. William -- Environmental Policies for the Developing Countries and Their Development Strategy / Kulig, Jan -- Economic Development and the Preservation of Environment / de Almeida, Miguel Ozorio -- Environmental Quality Management and Development Planning: Some Suggestions for Action / Sachs, Ignacy -- Environmental Costs and Priorities: A Study at Different Locations and Stages of Development -- The Implications of Environmental Measures for International Trade and Development -- Industrial Pollution Control and International Trade
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Deep and Superficial Cases in Russian

Deep and Superficial Cases in Russian von Kilby,  David A.
The purpose of the present study is to search for some theoretically satisfying way of describing the case system of Russian. The fundamental justification of this study that the problem of superficial cases has not been given a satisfactory solution - so much so that even the problem of what to look for in an analysis of cases is completely open.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-19
> findR *

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