About Melitta Csorján’s paintings: Painting is a source of pleasure to me, a different way of existence that floats some feet above reality. The pain- ting is important to me as long as I am working on it, living and existing within it, moulding it; as long as the feeling emerges from the depths, the feeling I might have nurtured in my soul for years. The themes of my pictures are usually feelings, emotions. Everything that is being born inside, connected to a thought, a recognition, an encounter evokes deep feelings in people, including me. I might deal with these fee- lings more intensively than others would do. I like depicting human figures, especially those of females; not purely because of the portrayal of the body, it is rather the face, the expression reflected by the soul onto the face that matters. Supported by my own emotions, I present the female psyche, the intuitive way of thinking women are capable of. The figures of my paintings unintentionally resemble me, however, this has not been the goal. The facial expressi- ons, the countenances evoke a thought in the viewers, which might lead them to their experiences, recognitions, worries, disappointments, successes, fears, they will recognize they have not been left alone with all that. Apart from female figures I also take pleasure in painting faces of children, girls in the state of surprise with long hair and long nails. I always wonder at the children, who are always so pure and straightforward and they love you unconditionally. We, adults are no longer capable of doing so, we tend to grow out of it and you only recog- nize it when you see a pure countenance on a child’s face or hear a wise remark from a child, which simplifies everything overriding all the complicated and lecture-like remarks of an adult. My figures of children display precocious features - long, dyed hair, varnished or long, pointed nails, full lips with lipstick on them, false eyelashes - reflecting the painful reality of the hastened growth to adulthood. It is very often us, adults who force the children to become adults too soon.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-20
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