Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Psychoanalysis is not only the oldest, most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched psychotherapeutic procedure & it is also a theory and a method from which many decisive stimuli towards the development of enlightened and reflective consciousness emerged during the twentieth century. Its critical ideas have led to major cultural changes. Will it be able to maintain this role in the twenty-first century as well, or will it come to be regarded as superfluous due to developments in neurobiology and the cognitive sciences?
This volume brings out why psychoanalytic thinking will still continue to be central to human experience and action and why it is likely to become even more important & although it will also continue to face considerable resistance.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Aus der Untersuchung der ontologischen Struktur der menschlichen Erkenntnis ergibt sich der grundlegende Unterschied von objekthafter und subjekthafter Seinsweise. Damit haben wir die Möglichkeit, in uns selbst - im unserer selbst bewussten Ich - das zu entdecken, was "Geist" bedeutet, nämlich sich selbst gegenwärtig und für die unbegrenzte Weite der gesamten Wirklichkeit offen zu sein. Dadurch gewinnt die auch heute aktuelle metaphysische Grundfrage: "Was ist das eigentlich Wirkliche?" klarere Konturen. Es zeigt sich: Das eigentlich Wirkliche ist das, was wir das Geistige nennen. Daran anschließend werden philosophische Argumente für die todüberdauernde Seinsweise der menschlichen Person vorgelegt.
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-09
> findR *
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