Innovative Hauptstadtregion

Innovative Hauptstadtregion von Blind,  Knut, Wachsen,  Eva
Innovations are considered as being essential for dynamic growth and a long-term increase in employment, whose development involves an extensive interaction between various actors of technical and social processes. Accordingly, in addition to manufacturing companies and scientific institutions and universities, the users of a new technology or a new product as well as policy decision-makers are involved in the innovation process. In this way, the regional environment and its political framework, the supply of labor and research institutions as well as its specific economic structure and the available networks may affect the generation of innovations. In order to support innovations, Berlin is working together with Brandenburg on new innovation strategies to position them strongly in the national as well as the international competition. As part of this objective, the Department of Innovation Economics at the Berlin Institute of Technology examines the innovation potential and the innovation performance of the metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg. Using an extensive catalog of secondary statistical data, which covers both the input and the output side of the innovation process, the innovation potential and the innovation performance of the capital region Berlin-Brandenburg is evaluated in relation to the other ten metropolitan regions in Germany in a comparative monitoring. This monitoring is based on the previous study by Blind et al. (2011), and therefore not only allows an assessment of the performance of the entire innovation system in the capital region, but also its development.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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