The Mesolithic sites of Jühnsdorf, parish Blankenfelde-Mahlow, distr. Teltow-Fläming, are situated south of Berlin at Lake Rangsdorf and were excavated in 1936-9 and 1992-3. A hearth and 27 features of the old excavation had been considered huts until they were identified as windthrows. Motorway construction work after the German reunification revealed 4 to 5 Mesolithic sites, of which Jühnsdorf 8 was investigated on 5,000 m² to a depth of 1.2 m. Area 1 contained more than 11,000 stone artefacts, mainly elongated triangular microliths, more windthrows and a habitation feature. This was a “longhouse” 4.5 m by 7.5 m wide with an entrance area, an empty zone 1.5 m in diameter, a repeatedly cleaned hearth, and Middle Mesolithic artefacts [8,250-7,250 B.C.]. Area 2, some 100 m to the east, produced over 2,500 objects and a multi-phased paved hearth of granite with a diameter of 1 m [7,599 +/- 78 cal. B.C.] which prompted the compilation of a general catalogue of Mesolithic hearths. At the present hearth - probably protected by a tent - many activities took place such as food processing, use of axes, and repair of arrow[head]s. The term “Jühnsdorf Group” is rejected as being obsolete.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-17
> findR *
This study analyses the cultural conditions amongst late communities of hunter-gatherers in Central Europe. Considering the working technique of flint artefacts, a distribution area of dorso-ventrally base-retouched arrowheads emerged in the late Pre-Boreal [from ca. 8,900 B.C.] including northern France, Benelux and both banks of the River Rhine up to Switzerland and clearly distinct from neighbouring regions. This major zone remained stable in subsequent millennia - during the Boreal and Early Atlantic periods. In the Late Mesolithic, local subtypes emerged, and three types of arrowheads showed dorso-ventral preparation [“Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Culture B”, Danubian and Bavans points]. Taken together, these do not only confirm the stability of the distribution pattern, but their occurrence coincides with Mesolithic pottery of types Limburg and La Hoguette. This pottery, until now considered a derivate of the Western Mediterranean Cardial Culture, is now connected with the western French Atlantic coast as regards its origin. During the Linear Pottery Culture the distribution remained stable, and notions of a cooperation between Mesolithic and Neolithic populations are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-15
> findR *
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