Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-04
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-04
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-04
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Wurmser,  Leon
In diesem Buch geht es nicht nur um die vordringlich nach außen gerichtete Scham, sondern vielmehr um deren Innerlichkeit. Der Autor beleuchtet, wie sich solche inneren Schamkonflikte in allen Beziehungen widerspiegeln. Dabei legt er den Schwerpunkt auf folgende Themen: die "negative therapeutische Reaktion", das "Böse Auge", die Dynamik von Neid und Eifersucht und deren Wurzeln im Schamgefühl, die Lüge und den Verrat. In diesem Rahmen geht er auch auf einige Grundzüge der Arbeit mit schweren Neurosen und auf die sich ständig verwandelnde Identität von Analytiker und Therapeut und die damit verbundenen Konflikte ein. Auch die Ursprünge der Gewissensbildung und der Zwiespalt des "inneren Richters" und seine verschiedenen Seiten kommen zur Sprache. "In diesem anspruchsvollen Kompendium vieler seiner Ideen zeigt sich Leon Wurmser sehr persönlich und zugleich als großer Gelehrter." (F.-W. Eickhoff, Tübingen, Psyche 7/2012)
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-22
> findR *

Scham und der böse Blick

Scham und der böse Blick von Ermann,  Michael, Huber,  Dorothea, Wurmser,  Leon
This book deals not just with urgent outward shame, but rather its inwardness. The author examines how these internal conflicts of shame are reflected in all relationships. He focuses on the following issues: the "negative therapeutic reaction", the "evil eye", the dynamics of envy and jealousy and their roots in the emotions of shame, lies and betrayal. He also discusses the origins of the formation of conscience and the dichotomy of the "inner judge" and its various sides.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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