Atlas of 360 Degree Skull Base Surgery

Atlas of 360 Degree Skull Base Surgery von Jayashankar,  Narayan, Narayanan,  Prepageran
This book has a comprehensive overview of pituitary tumors, craniopharyngioma, meningioma, craniovertebral junction pathologies and chordoma This book describes the step-by-step description with detailed photographs. More than 2000 high-definition photographs to enhance the understanding of the text. Detailed description of tips, tricks and pitfalls to be avoided covered in this atlas. Key Features • Chapters on complications and their management, reconstruction of skull base defects and rehabilitation. • A detailed table of contents. • Tips and Pearls are the essence of the chapters. • 2000 high quality images.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-26
> findR *

Atlas of 360 Degree Skull Base Surgery

Atlas of 360 Degree Skull Base Surgery von Jayashankar,  Narayan, Narayanan,  Prepageran
Skull base surgery has evolved over the last decade into a symbiotic combination of cutting-edge technology and surgical skills. From the ORL perspective, skull base is usually performed by three separate teams, namely, rhinologist who performs the endoscopic transnasal skull base surgery, neurotologist who performs posterolateral skull base, and head and neck surgeon who performs the open skull base approaches. These traditional division, although still very much applicable in most countries, is now being challenged by some group of surgeons who perform the entire skull base surgery. The editors of this surgical atlas belong to this group who performs the entire range of skull base as the surgical skills and instruments are interchangeable. Current fellowship includes exposure to the entire range of skull base, thus pioneering a younger generation of skull base surgeons who inherit the same versatility and technical capability of performing the entire range of skull base surgery. Many colleagues around the globe practice a single corridor of approaches. However, we believe in practicing 360-degree skull base, thus the need for this unique atlas that encompasses the entire skull base.  Key Features: Step-by-step description of procedures with detailed photographsMore than 2,000 high-definition photographs to enhance the understanding of the textDetailed description of tips, tricks, and pitfalls to be avoided is covered in the atlas.Complications and their management, reconstruction of skull base defects, and rehabilitation chaptersComprehensive overview of pituitary tumors, craniopharyngioma, meningioma, craniovertebral junction pathologies, and chordoma   
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-07
> findR *

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