Die Frage, wie sich Aussagen über Fähigkeiten von Personen zu Aussagen über Möglichkeiten von Zuständen in der Welt verhalten, ist für unser menschliches Selbstverständnis zentral. Der vorliegende Band versammelt unter dieser Frage durchweg Originalbeiträge in historisch-systematischer Absicht; sie behandeln die Geschichte der Metaphysik und Ontologie von Parmenides bis Heidegger.
INHALT: VORWORT - Klaus Jacobi: Das Können und die Möglichkeiten. Potentialität und Possibilität - Mischa von Perger: Möglichkeit, Parmenideisch - Ulrich Nortmann: 'Das Saatkorn ist dem Vermögen nach eine Pflanze'. Über ontologische und logische Aspekte Aristotelischer Möglichkeitssätze - Sang-Jin Kang: Anselm und die modallogische Betrachtung der göttlichen Notwendigkeit - Michael Astroh: Petrus Abaelardus on Modalities de re and de dicto - Christopher Martin: Peter Abaelard on Modality. Some Possibilities and Some Puzzles - Allan Bäck: Avicenna and Averroes: Modality and Theology - Seung-Chan (Elias) Park: Die Differenz von persönlicher und unpersönlicher Möglichkeit bei Thomas von Aquin - Charles Lohr: 'Art' and Possibility: The Rule Concerning Possibility in the Ars lulliana - Peter King: Duns Scotus on Possibilities, Powers, and the Possible - Matthias Kaufmann: Gottes Allmacht und die Wahrheit modaler Sätze. Potentialität und Possibilität bei Wilhelm von Ockham - Simo Knuuttila: On the History of Theory of Modality as Alternativeness - Stephan Meier-Oeser: Potentia versus Possibilitas? Posse! Zur cusanischen Konzeption der Möglichkeit - Dominik Perler: Cartesische Möglichkeiten - Hans Poser: Leibniz'sche Handlungsmodi zwischen Ontologie und Deontologie - Wilhelm Metz: Der transzendentale Möglichkeitsbegriff bei Kant und Fichte - Rainer Marten: Heidegger: Die eigenste eigentliche Möglichkeit - Tilman Borsche: Möglichkeiten des Seins, Möglichkeiten des Denkens - Thomas Buchheim: Zwischen Antinomie und Kompatibilität: Versuch über die natürliche Einbettung unserer Handlungsfreiheit - Kuno Lorenz: Dynamis und Energeia. Zur Aktualität eines begrifflichen Werkzeugs von Aristoteles.
Aktualisiert: 2017-01-10
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After a detailed introduction to the subject, Erich Heintel focuses on the history of philosophy in Austria which he taught for more than five decades at the University of Vienna. His main objectives were to close the gaps in historiography and to acknowledge the importance of those positions which had been ignored.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Dieses Buch versucht, den Wissenschaftsbegriff als Entwicklungsindikator des Heidegger'schen Denkens nachzuweisen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Kehre vom frühen Heidegger zu ›Sein und Zeit‹ hin umwälzender war als die Kehre von ›Sein und Zeit‹ weg. Die eingehende Textanalyse zeigt, dass ›Sein und Zeit‹ nicht wegen seines Torso-Charakters, sondern deshalb scheitert, weil zentrale Begriffe der Existenzanalytik versagen. Das aber nicht aufgrund bloßer Systemwidersprüche, vielmehr wegen einer Entwicklung innerhalb von ›Sein und Zeit‹, die einerseits Heideggers Kehre nach diesem Werk vorbereitet, andererseits aber auch Hinweise auf die bisher nicht gewagte These enthält, dass ›Sein und Zeit‹ ein patchwork ist. Basts kritische Analysen sind streng an Heideggers Text orientiert, ausführlich belegt sowie frei von textfremden Wertungen.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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The present collection of articles, mainly consisting of new publications, is a critical appreciation of the work of the logician, mathematician and philosopher Gottlob Frege. – Volume III chiefly contains studies on Frege's theory of sense and reference, generally regarded as the beginning of modern extensional and intensional semantics. Included is an attempt to provide a uniform explanation of the concept »Bedeutung« and to delimit the scope of the context principle in Frege's philosophy. Further articles deal with special problems of the theory of sense and reference.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
Malcom Acock,
Victor H. Dudman,
Eckhart Holzboog,
Howard Jackson,
Leonard Linsky,
Richard M Martin,
Michael D. Resnik,
Matthias Schirn,
David S. Shwayder,
Fred Sommers,
Ernst Tugendhat
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Norm conflicts are a key problem in practical philosophy. The author reveals the logical structure of norm conflicts, discusses various procedures to solve the conflicts and explores the extent to which traditional ethical theories can contribute to the solution of norm conflicts. The practical case studies dealt with include Kant‹s prohibition against lying, organ transplantations, civil disobedience, the trials concerning the Berlin Wall shootings as well as conflicts of values in technology impact assessment. The analysis of norm conflicts in the law makes this book of interest to legal scholars as well.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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A certain understanding of natural history makes it possible to comprehend the relationship between mankind and the world as one which is contingent but not arbitrary. It is in this understanding that one can see the basis of normativity, which determines the compliance with rules or the assessment of what is possible. The systematic approach presented here takes the place of purely naturalistic descriptions and realistic or conventionalist theories. Established structures for valid inferences and judgements are in addition a prerequisite for language to serve as a medium of memory for experiences in the world. In a study of classics of analytic (linguistic) philosophy, the author of this work takes a position which permits him to specify what these established structures consist of without assuming a logical or an ontological a priori and without following essentialist (Kripke), radically relativistic (Goodman, Abel) or coherentist (Davidson) schools of thought.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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The discussion revived by analytical philosophy concerning the continuity of the person is dealt with here and applied to the question of the current possibility of promise and trust in an interdisciplinary discussion. Philosophical, psychological, legal, medical, economic, sociological, scientific, political and theological aspects of the problem are discussed and compared.
With contributions by Friedrich Cramer, Hinderk M. Emrich, Jean Greisch, Fritz Hartmann, Norbert Horn, Klaus-M. Kodalle, Peter Koslowski, Richard Schenk, Robert Spaemann and Ulrich Steinvorth.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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As a teaching of wisdom, philosophy has been for centuries what the philosophical layman still expects it to be today: a doctrine of and an advice on a good, successful, and happy life. Yet, since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the problem of happiness has vanished from the centre of philosophical interest. Today it returns under different headings (for example, quality of life, mental health, psychological well-being, preservation of endangered identity) in different branches of knowledge and different connections. The general view of the earlier practical wisdom, the pursuit of a fulfilled existence being an essential feature of humanity, is established by this. In an interpreting and systematic manner, the essays of the volume announced here examine the questions of how happiness, fulfillment of life, and self-realization have been regarded, of how they must be understood today, and of how they relate to the experience of misfortune and grief. With that the volume's contributions reclaim – in the discussion with more recent insights – one of its classical topics for philosophy.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
Pierre Aubenque,
Günther Bien,
Otfried Höffe,
Eckhart Holzboog,
Wolfgang Kluxen,
Hans Krämer,
Odo Marquard,
Rudolf Schottlaender,
Josef Simon,
Manfred Sommer,
Robert Spaemann,
Elfriede Walesca Tielsch
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Subjectivity is one of the central philosophical problems in history and in the present. Following the editor's general introduction, fourteen contributions cast light on the problem in diverse philosophical fields – and do so from both systematic and historical perspectives. The essays provide a comprehensive survey of the discussion that has been conducted with renewed vigor for several years in the realm of the philosophy of subjectivity.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Manfred Baum,
Reinhard Brandt,
Mario Caimi,
Claudia Cesa,
Daniel O Dahlstrom,
Karen Gloy,
Jens Halfwassen,
Dietmar Heidemann,
Dietmar M. Heidemann,
Eckhart Holzboog,
Hans-Dieter Klein,
Silvestro Marcucci,
Adriaan Peperzak,
Otto Pöggeler,
Ludwig Siep,
Xavier Tilliette,
Burkhard Tuschling
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This volume deals with the theory of science in general. The main problem is the question of »What is science»? The author attempts to answer this with the help of eight necessary prerequisites for scientificity. In addition, 22 objections are raised to the theory that all sciences have common characteristics. Weingartner concludes his work with a classification of the sciences and a discussion of the role of truth, certainty and validity in the sciences.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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This study deals with the problem of reference as it is discussed within the context of Analytical Philosophy. Its intention is a survey, typology and critical evaluation of the most influential reference theories put forth by Frege, Russell, Geach, Ryle, Strawson, Serale, Wittgenstein, Ziff, Quine, Donnellan, Kripke, Putnam and Katz. The author aims at developing a new theory of reference on the basis of his examinations.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Die hauptsächlich aus Erstveröffentlichungen namhafter Forscher zusammengestellte Sammlung von Aufsätzen in deutscher und englischer Sprache befasst sich kritisch und würdigend mit dem Werk Gottlob Freges (1848-1925). - Band II bietet kritische Analysen von Freges Funktionstheorie und Logikbegriff sowie Erörterungen der Identitätsproblematik bei Frege von I. Angelelli, W. Carl, Ch. E. Caton, G. Gabriel, R. Grossmann, H.-U. Hoche, H. Khatchadourian, B. Kienzle, E.-H. W. Kluge, M. Schirn, R. Sternfeld, L. Stevenson, R. Suter und D. Wiggins. - Band III enthält vorwiegend Studien zu Freges Theorie über Sinn und Bedeutung, von M. Acock, V. D. Dudman, H. Jackson, P. Janich, L. Linsky, R. M. Martin, M. D. Resnik, D. S. Shwayder, F. Sommers und E. Tugendhat.
Aktualisiert: 2016-04-10
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The beginning of the ninth volume contains the articles written for the ›Evangelische Kirchenlexikon‹ (Protestant Church Encyclopedia) and the ›Historische Wörterbuch der Philosophie‹ (Historical Dictionary of Philosophy). They round out the overview of the entire field of philosophy and also provide in-depth studies focusing on important partial aspects. The second part provides an overview of the complete aporetics in the history of philosophy as exemplified by several of its most outstanding representatives in the detailed discussions of German idealism.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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This book introduces a practical didactic approach to philosophy. The author views philosophy traditionally as a contemplative discipline whose social relevance lies in the rejection of trite advice and functional thinking. This forms the background of the practical part that deals with organizing and controlling the learning process. The book also includes practical advice for training teachers and some aspects regarding the evaluation of philosophy classes.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-12
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Since Feyerabend initiated an all-out attack, based on the incommensurability thesis, against claims to rationality in general, this can be seen as the systematic core of relativistic and irrationalistic tendencies in current philosophy. Lueken presents the strengths of the incommensurability thesis and develops an understanding of the issue based on practical question from participants. He shows how it is possible to present reasonable arguments between incommensurable positions as well.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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The first volume of his ‹Collected Works‹ deals with the development of Husserl‹s philosophy, with Heidegger‹s interpretation of phenomenology and with his own path of thought, which led to a critique of Husserl. The author also gives an account of his own personal experiences with Heidegger, who was his teacher.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Unter dem Titel ›Wissenschaftsgeschichte zum Anfassen‹ werden zum einen Episoden der 'älteren' und der 'jüngeren' Geschichte des Verlages frommann-holzboog beleuchtet, zum anderen aktuelle Fragestellungen rund ums wissenschaftliche Buch aufgegriffen. Ferner gewähren Editoren 'Einblicke in die Werkstatt' von ganz unterschiedlicher Art, stets begleitet von sachkundigen Erläuterungen: mal werden bislang unveröffentlichte Texte präsentiert, Autographen transkribiert und übersetzt, mal wird die Geschichte einer Gesamtausgabe nachgezeichnet, in der ein Hühnerstall eine entscheidende Rolle spielt, mal werden gar falsche Zuweisungen von Autorschaft aufgedeckt.
Aktualisiert: 2017-01-10
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Wherever * big money* is concerned, things become exciting – even in theory! From Darwin to Hayek, from Nietzsche to Gunter Sachs, from the popes to Rockefeller, from Freud to Dagobert Duck, this book, which provides a great deal of well-founded knowledge and is written clearly, shows what the dispute concerning ethics and the economy is all about. The volumes provide a rich source of arguments for managers and philosophers, politicians and theologians as well as for all those who want to think beyond their day-to-day business.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
This study deals with the problem of reference as it is discussed within the context of Analytical Philosophy. Its intention is a survey, typology and critical evaluation of the most influential reference theories put forth by Frege, Russell, Geach, Ryle, Strawson, Serale, Wittgenstein, Ziff, Quine, Donnellan, Kripke, Putnam and Katz. The author aims at developing a new theory of reference on the basis of his examinations.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Subsequent to Leibniz's »philosophia perennis,« Heintel poses the question raised in transcendental philosophy pertaining to the possibility of theology. These two volumes also contain his work on ‹Hegel und die analogia entis‹ (1958) and pertinent essays. He also deals with the Aristotelian tradition, in particular Thomas Aquinas and fundamental problems in the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. The present day situation is also dealt with in detail. Of particular interest is the monograph ‹Das Totalexperiment des Glaubens. Zur Theologie Ferdinand Ebners‹ (The Total Experiment of Faith. The Theology of Ferdinand Ebner) (1982).
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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