In 1980, Miron Zownir emigrated to the USA, where he lived for the next fifteen years; first in New York, then in Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh. In New York, back then arguably the world's most fascinating and permissive metropolis, Zownir's peculiar approach to cover the city's multiple-layered day-to-day lunacy was quickly recognised by the local scene as the TEUTONIC PHENOMENOGRAPHER (Village Voice). Shot in moody, expressionistic b/w, Zownir's pictures from that period give a penetrating insight to inner-city sub-cultural spheres, which, in their original local context, have since perished in the boom of the 90s. His lens captured the untamed lust at the gay-parties, just shortly before Aids massively claimed its victims; the futile protest of artists and offbeat performers; the hopelessness on the Bowery; the shadowy world of hookers or junkies. Zownir's photographs of the "Sex Piers" have become legendary documents by now. The shutdown and dilapidated port area located between the Westside Highway and the Hudson River, with its sunbathing section for nudists and the surrounding "halls of the anonymous lust", was a popular meeting place among the gay-scene. Zownir meanwhile has gained the reputation of being one of the most uncompromising contemporary photographers. Some critics claim that Zownir, in his own characteristic manner, ties on where Diane Arbus and Weegee had stopped. But when it comes to the basis of his artistic intention, Miron Zownir would rather point to a quote from Kafka's "The Castle" then being compared to other photographers: "If one has the strength to look at the things incessantly, more or less without ever closing the eyes, one sees much. But if one lessens the effort only once and closes the eyes, it all immediately vanishes into darkness."
Aktualisiert: 2017-04-27
> findR *
Those night pictures originated from a fail, a miss shot. The picture was way too dark so i decide to push the digital process with shadow level. The end result of that picture was kind of a revelation for me and I start to love the digital noise that most photographers try to avoid. I also start to shoot everything with the built in flash. Intrigued with all the reflection that I can produce at night on all kind of things like glass, trees, rain, etc. Things seems to reveal after.
One of the main theme for this book is the garden, the urban one, the suburb. I look on how people can decorate their front house, the backyard or a middle street. Everywhere we go, we try to control and organize nature all around us. I look for trace that we left. But this project is also about the walk. I like walking at night, especially in the winter time when everything seems in wait of a new life, a new beginning. I try to work with the relation between nature and digital reproduction. Focusing on the digital result itself and how it´s going to react in front of a certain situation.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-12
> findR *
Seit zehn Jahren begleitet der Fotograf Gerald von Foris die Dreharbeiten der Filme Hans-Christian Schmids. Indem er Schauspieler und Drehorte aus dem Kontext einzelner Szenen befreit und sie bewusst für seine Aufnahmen arrangiert, entstehen klar komponierte, reduzierte Bilder, in denen er die Stimmung des Films verdichtet.
In einem Gespräch mit Peter Körte geben Drehbuchautor Bernd Lange und Regisseur Hans-Christian Schmid Auskunft, wie sie ihre Geschichten entwickeln und welche Überlegungen in die Arbeit am Drehbuch zu "Was bleibt" eingeflossen sind.
Aktualisiert: 2017-03-01
> findR *
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