Coaching Positional Soccer

Coaching Positional Soccer von Curless,  Michael
Coaching soccer can be challenging for both the beginner and advanced coach. However, at any level, a modern and adaptive soccer playing style can be developed as players progressively acquire specific tactics and technical skills. This positional coaching approach teaches players how to create, exploit, and defend spaces on the soccer field by using core playing principles. Players who understand these principles will have the ability to quickly adjust from one game moment to the next regardless of circumstances, strategy, or formation. Coaching Positional Soccer gives comprehensive practice plans, which include diagrams and sketches, that will make practice planning a straightforward process throughout the season. Using the best teaching approaches and coaching interventions will also improve coaching confidence and accelerate player and team development. This book provides complete soccer coaching education and is perfect for the beginner or volunteer coach who wants to understand how to best teach soccer to players. This book is also ideal for the advanced coach looking for new ideas to lift the team to higher playing levels.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-12
> findR *

Coaching Positional Soccer

Coaching Positional Soccer von Curless,  Michael
Coaching soccer can be challenging for both the beginner and advanced coach. However, at any level, a modern and adaptive soccer playing style can be developed as players progressively acquire specific tactics and technical skills. This positional coaching approach teaches players how to create, exploit, and defend spaces on the soccer field by using core playing principles. Players who understand these principles will have the ability to quickly adjust from one game moment to the next regardless of circumstances, strategy, or formation. Coaching Positional Soccer gives comprehensive practice plans, which include diagrams and sketches, that will make practice planning a straightforward process throughout the season. Using the best teaching approaches and coaching interventions will also improve coaching confidence and accelerate player and team development. This book provides complete soccer coaching education and is perfect for the beginner or volunteer coach who wants to understand how to best teach soccer to players. This book is also ideal for the advanced coach looking for new ideas to lift the team to higher playing levels.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *

Coaching Positional Soccer

Coaching Positional Soccer von Curless,  Michael
Coaching soccer can be challenging for both the beginner and advanced coach. However, at any level, a modern and adaptive soccer playing style can be developed as players progressively acquire specific tactics and technical skills. This positional coaching approach teaches players how to create, exploit, and defend spaces on the soccer field by using core playing principles. Players who understand these principles will have the ability to quickly adjust from one game moment to the next regardless of circumstances, strategy, or formation. Coaching Positional Soccer gives comprehensive practice plans, which include diagrams and sketches, that will make practice planning a straightforward process throughout the season. Using the best teaching approaches and coaching interventions will also improve coaching confidence and accelerate player and team development. This book provides complete soccer coaching education and is perfect for the beginner or volunteer coach who wants to understand how to best teach soccer to players. This book is also ideal for the advanced coach looking for new ideas to lift the team to higher playing levels.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *

Coaching Positional Soccer

Coaching Positional Soccer von Curless,  Michael
Coaching soccer can be challenging for both the beginner and advanced coach. However, at any level, a modern and adaptive soccer playing style can be developed as players progressively acquire specific tactics and technical skills. This positional coaching approach teaches players how to create, exploit, and defend spaces on the soccer field by using core playing principles. Players who understand these principles will have the ability to quickly adjust from one game moment to the next regardless of circumstances, strategy, or formation. Coaching Positional Soccer gives comprehensive practice plans, which include diagrams and sketches, that will make practice planning a straightforward process throughout the season. Using the best teaching approaches and coaching interventions will also improve coaching confidence and accelerate player and team development. This book provides complete soccer coaching education and is perfect for the beginner or volunteer coach who wants to understand how to best teach soccer to players. This book is also ideal for the advanced coach looking for new ideas to lift the team to higher playing levels.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *

Coaching Positional Soccer

Coaching Positional Soccer von Curless,  Michael
Coaching soccer can be challenging for both the beginner and advanced coach. However, at any level, a modern and adaptive soccer playing style can be developed as players progressively acquire specific tactics and technical skills. This positional coaching approach teaches players how to create, exploit, and defend spaces on the soccer field by using core playing principles. Players who understand these principles will have the ability to quickly adjust from one game moment to the next regardless of circumstances, strategy, or formation. Coaching Positional Soccer gives comprehensive practice plans, which include diagrams and sketches, that will make practice planning a straightforward process throughout the season. Using the best teaching approaches and coaching interventions will also improve coaching confidence and accelerate player and team development. This book provides complete soccer coaching education and is perfect for the beginner or volunteer coach who wants to understand how to best teach soccer to players. This book is also ideal for the advanced coach looking for new ideas to lift the team to higher playing levels.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-14
> findR *

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