The trend towards gobalization of industrial production enhances the site selection process through additional complexity. Previous in-depth studies had their focus on either production or supply chain processes. Property- and construction-related aspects in an international context have up to now not been evaluated in detail. This book aims to close this gap. Available methods are analyzed. Furthermore, a comprehensive catalogue of industrial site selection criteria is introduced. Based thereon, this book provides an enhancement and development in the field of site slection models for manufacturing facilities. Built on prevailing theories as well as common industry practices, this book develops them further towards international and real estate-specific aspects. Challenges and strategic options derived therefrom are explained through hands-on case studies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *
The trend towards gobalization of industrial production enhances the site selection process through additional complexity. Previous in-depth studies had their focus on either production or supply chain processes. Property- and construction-related aspects in an international context have up to now not been evaluated in detail. This book aims to close this gap. Available methods are analyzed. Furthermore, a comprehensive catalogue of industrial site selection criteria is introduced. Based thereon, this book provides an enhancement and development in the field of site slection models for manufacturing facilities. Built on prevailing theories as well as common industry practices, this book develops them further towards international and real estate-specific aspects. Challenges and strategic options derived therefrom are explained through hands-on case studies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-05
> findR *
The trend towards gobalization of industrial production enhances the site selection process through additional complexity. Previous in-depth studies had their focus on either production or supply chain processes. Property- and construction-related aspects in an international context have up to now not been evaluated in detail. This book aims to close this gap. Available methods are analyzed. Furthermore, a comprehensive catalogue of industrial site selection criteria is introduced. Based thereon, this book provides an enhancement and development in the field of site slection models for manufacturing facilities. Built on prevailing theories as well as common industry practices, this book develops them further towards international and real estate-specific aspects. Challenges and strategic options derived therefrom are explained through hands-on case studies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-08
> findR *
The trend towards gobalization of industrial production enhances the site selection process through additional complexity. Previous in-depth studies had their focus on either production or supply chain processes. Property- and construction-related aspects in an international context have up to now not been evaluated in detail. This book aims to close this gap. Available methods are analyzed. Furthermore, a comprehensive catalogue of industrial site selection criteria is introduced. Based thereon, this book provides an enhancement and development in the field of site slection models for manufacturing facilities. Built on prevailing theories as well as common industry practices, this book develops them further towards international and real estate-specific aspects. Challenges and strategic options derived therefrom are explained through hands-on case studies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-04
> findR *
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