Regardless of whether a residential or office building, the design of a facade plays an important role in the architecture of a building. Aesthetics is just one part of this. Function in regard to sustainable use is also an issue that is becoming very important and both of these factors are reflected in the design of a facade and the different building materials used.
From a historical standpoint, natural materials such as stone, wood and loam have been predominately used for constructing buildings for a long time. Loam or putty (chalk and boiled linseed oil) were used to close the transitions between the different constructions.
Compared to today’s standards, buildings erected during the middle of the last century were poorly sealed. Their lack of insulation along with drafts prevented them from being overly comfortable, especially in winter. Today, on the other hand, because of increasing energy prices and legislation that has been passed, new buildings must be constructed without such undesired weak areas. This aspect is dealt with later in this Information Script in Chapter 8 ”Sustainability”.
The trend toward sustainable building combined with responsible use of existing resources has only become possible through modern facade constructions and the use of high performance sealants.
Their great significance for buildings is also reflected in standards that deal with these products. Different classes of joint sealants have been covered by the standard ISO 11600 “Building construction – joint sealing products – classification and requirements” since 2002. But ever since the European harmonised product standard EN 15651 “Sealants for non-structural use in joints in buildings and pedestrian walkways“ was published in the Official Journal of the EU, sealants for the respective application areas have been subject to binding rules. Parts 1 and 2 of EN 15651 (“part 1: Sealants for facade elements; part 2: Sealants for glazing”) are particularly important in regard the use of sealants in facades.
But high quality products that meet standards are not the only decisive factor for the quality of a facade. Thorough planning and proper execution of joints are equally important.
The purpose of this Information Script is to explain how joints are planned, especially movement joints in facades, and to help make the selection of a suitable sealant easier.
Aktualisiert: 2020-02-19
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