The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the first EU-wide data protection law ever. Effective from 25 May 2018, the GDPR brings now binding and directly applicable law in all EU member states. The Regulation addresses many familiar issues, but also introduces many novel concepts and duties which companies must observe or face penalties including substantial fines. It is therefore imperative to start analysing this Regulation now.
The present workbook facilitates familiarisation with the Regulation by providing a systematic overview, comparable to a summary commentary. In particular, the legislative text is juxtaposed with the relevant recitals and sanctions. Further ease of use is provided by a table of contents, a detailed index, mapping tables referring to the articles of earlier drafts of the Regulation, and sufficient space for notes. This Workbook is thus be an indispensable companion for all those responsible for the implementation of the GDPR in companies and public agencies. The Workbook is available in both English and German in identical format.
The editor, Dr. Sibylle Gierschmann, is a lawyer and TÜV-certified data protection auditor. She was closely involved in the legislative process and is therefore intimately familiar with the content of the Regulation. The workbook is the result of the extensive consulting and training services she has provided to companies in connection with the implementation of the GDPR.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-19
> findR *
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the first EU-wide data protection law ever. Effective from 25 May 2018, the GDPR brings binding and directly applicable law in all EU member states. The Regulation addresses many familiar issues, but also introduces many novel concepts and duties which companies must observe or face penalties including substantial fines. It is therefore imperative to start analysing this Regulation now.
The present workbook facilitates familiarisation with the Regulation by providing a systematic overview, comparable to a summary commentary. In particular, the legislative text is juxtaposed with the relevant recitals and sanctions. Further ease of use is provided by a table of contents, a detailed index, mapping tables referring to the articles of earlier drafts of the Regulation, and sufficient space for notes. This Workbook is thus an indispensable companion for all those responsible for the implementation of the GDPR in companies and public agencies. The Workbook is available in both English and German in identical format.
The editor, Dr. Sibylle Gierschmann, is a lawyer and TÜV-certified data protection auditor. She was closely involved in the legislative process and is therefore intimately familiar with the content of the Regulation. The workbook is the result of the extensive consulting and training services she has provided to companies in connection with the implementation of the GDPR.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-19
> findR *
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