Rather Negro Than Black-The Creation of an „Inferior Race“ by the Whites.
God made man in his image and the Whites made the Blacks according to their vision-The silent and most likely biggest crime of all times: Calling people black.
by Dantse Dantse
Black and white are no longer skin colors, but digital programs with clear functions. The spiritual law says: "Nothing is accidental". 0.5% of the people in this world know that. 99.5% of people are pure consumers. They consume everything, question nothing, they only believe in what they see, hear, feel and believe blindly. Their knowledge is what has been put into their heads as truth. All that matters to them is their safety and a full belly and sex. Fun and consumption furnish their lives. That everything that happens around them has a very precise reason and purpose, they will reject and fight, just like the words black and white. That 99.5% of people hasn't even taken the time to ask themselves, why do people label themselves differently from what they actually look like? Why blacks aren't called browns and whites aren't called beige? Look at yourself, look at the color of your skin: are you white - like the color white - or more beige? Are you black or more brown? You still think it's pure coincidence? Ah yes. Then why did the light-skinned people choose to call people white or black? Everything seems harmless, right? But in fact there is a huge, sophisticated and complex racist system behind it, or rather a program that is digitally installed in people and runs independently with the aim of providing and securing political, religious, cultural, psychological and economic advantages for white people, by negatively controlling Black people's self-esteem, thinking, behavior, self-esteem. You navigate it through the numerous negative qualities and connotations intentionally constructed with the color black. One needs to feel inferior and the other superior. And it's been going fantastically well for hundreds of years. In this book I prove that people who independently called the white eminent black without their consent are their creation and how the word black works in people, be they black or white, and how it affects their self-image and mutual relationship, Understanding dictates their perceptions without their realizing it. This book breaks the code by which people who are now called Africans, Afro descendants, or other people of color are doomed. How white people, with an apparently innocuous word, completely incapacitated an ethnic group and caused them to sabotage and curse themselves. A perfidious but very intelligent coup. But I also show in the book which anti-virus these black people need to free themselves from this program.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
Rather Negro Than Black-The Creation of an „Inferior Race“ by the Whites.
God made man in his image and the Whites made the Blacks according to their vision-The silent and most likely biggest crime of all times: Calling people black.
by Dantse Dantse
Black and white are no longer skin colors, but digital programs with clear functions. The spiritual law says: "Nothing is accidental". 0.5% of the people in this world know that. 99.5% of people are pure consumers. They consume everything, question nothing, they only believe in what they see, hear, feel and believe blindly. Their knowledge is what has been put into their heads as truth. All that matters to them is their safety and a full belly and sex. Fun and consumption furnish their lives. That everything that happens around them has a very precise reason and purpose, they will reject and fight, just like the words black and white. That 99.5% of people hasn't even taken the time to ask themselves, why do people label themselves differently from what they actually look like? Why blacks aren't called browns and whites aren't called beige? Look at yourself, look at the color of your skin: are you white - like the color white - or more beige? Are you black or more brown? You still think it's pure coincidence? Ah yes. Then why did the light-skinned people choose to call people white or black? Everything seems harmless, right? But in fact there is a huge, sophisticated and complex racist system behind it, or rather a program that is digitally installed in people and runs independently with the aim of providing and securing political, religious, cultural, psychological and economic advantages for white people, by negatively controlling Black people's self-esteem, thinking, behavior, self-esteem. You navigate it through the numerous negative qualities and connotations intentionally constructed with the color black. One needs to feel inferior and the other superior. And it's been going fantastically well for hundreds of years. In this book I prove that people who independently called the white eminent black without their consent are their creation and how the word black works in people, be they black or white, and how it affects their self-image and mutual relationship, Understanding dictates their perceptions without their realizing it. This book breaks the code by which people who are now called Africans, Afro descendants, or other people of color are doomed. How white people, with an apparently innocuous word, completely incapacitated an ethnic group and caused them to sabotage and curse themselves. A perfidious but very intelligent coup. But I also show in the book which anti-virus these black people need to free themselves from this program.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-09
> findR *
Rather Negro Than Black-The Creation of an „Inferior Race“ by the Whites.
God made man in his image and the Whites made the Blacks according to their vision-The silent and most likely biggest crime of all times: Calling people black.
by Dantse Dantse
Black and white are no longer skin colors, but digital programs with clear functions. The spiritual law says: "Nothing is accidental". 0.5% of the people in this world know that. 99.5% of people are pure consumers. They consume everything, question nothing, they only believe in what they see, hear, feel and believe blindly. Their knowledge is what has been put into their heads as truth. All that matters to them is their safety and a full belly and sex. Fun and consumption furnish their lives. That everything that happens around them has a very precise reason and purpose, they will reject and fight, just like the words black and white. That 99.5% of people hasn't even taken the time to ask themselves, why do people label themselves differently from what they actually look like? Why blacks aren't called browns and whites aren't called beige? Look at yourself, look at the color of your skin: are you white - like the color white - or more beige? Are you black or more brown? You still think it's pure coincidence? Ah yes. Then why did the light-skinned people choose to call people white or black? Everything seems harmless, right? But in fact there is a huge, sophisticated and complex racist system behind it, or rather a program that is digitally installed in people and runs independently with the aim of providing and securing political, religious, cultural, psychological and economic advantages for white people, by negatively controlling Black people's self-esteem, thinking, behavior, self-esteem. You navigate it through the numerous negative qualities and connotations intentionally constructed with the color black. One needs to feel inferior and the other superior. And it's been going fantastically well for hundreds of years. In this book I prove that people who independently called the white eminent black without their consent are their creation and how the word black works in people, be they black or white, and how it affects their self-image and mutual relationship, Understanding dictates their perceptions without their realizing it. This book breaks the code by which people who are now called Africans, Afro descendants, or other people of color are doomed. How white people, with an apparently innocuous word, completely incapacitated an ethnic group and caused them to sabotage and curse themselves. A perfidious but very intelligent coup. But I also show in the book which anti-virus these black people need to free themselves from this program.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-09
> findR *
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