Photomovement of Dunaliella Teod

Photomovement of Dunaliella Teod von Lilitskaya,  Galyna G., Massjuk,  Nadiya P., Posudin,  Yuriy I.
The authors review the historical development and current state of the art in the biology of photomovement in algae and discuss problems in terminology and a logical basis for classification of photomovement in microorganisms. Their research has focused on two species of Dunaliella Teod., D. salina Teod. and D. viridis Teod., as the principal organisms investigated. The results of experimental investigations on the critical factors controlling and modulating photomovement are described and include the effects of various abiotic factors and critical aspects of photomovement.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *

Photomovement of Dunaliella Teod

Photomovement of Dunaliella Teod von Lilitskaya,  Galyna G., Massjuk,  Nadiya P., Posudin,  Yuriy I.
The authors review the historical development and current state of the art in the biology of photomovement in algae and discuss problems in terminology and a logical basis for classification of photomovement in microorganisms. Their research has focused on two species of Dunaliella Teod., D. salina Teod. and D. viridis Teod., as the principal organisms investigated. The results of experimental investigations on the critical factors controlling and modulating photomovement are described and include the effects of various abiotic factors and critical aspects of photomovement.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *

Photomovement of Dunaliella Teod

Photomovement of Dunaliella Teod von Lilitskaya,  Galyna G., Massjuk,  Nadiya P., Posudin,  Yuriy I.
The authors review the historical development and current state of the art in the biology of photomovement in algae and discuss problems in terminology and a logical basis for classification of photomovement in microorganisms. Their research has focused on two species of Dunaliella Teod., D. salina Teod. and D. viridis Teod., as the principal organisms investigated. The results of experimental investigations on the critical factors controlling and modulating photomovement are described and include the effects of various abiotic factors and critical aspects of photomovement.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema sensory transduction

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