Das Spannungsverhältnis, das dem Begriff des aufgeklärten Absolutismus inhärent ist, setzt sich zu einem gewissen Grad in einer Dichotomie von Herrschaft und Recht fort. Das Buch analysiert das Verhältnis dieser beiden Größen aus der Perspektive von Carl Gottlieb Svarez (1746–1798), der die Gesetzgebung der preußischen Staaten im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert wie kein anderer beeinflusst hat, vor allem durch seine Arbeit als Hauptverantwortlicher an der Entstehung des Allgemeinen Preußischen Landrechts von 1794. Der Autor analysiert die Ansätze des Rechtsreformers zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Recht auf zwei unterschiedlichen Ebenen. Auf einer ersten – theoretischen – Ebene werden Svarez’ Gedanken und Reflexionen untersucht, die er in seinen vielfältigen Abhandlungen, Aktennotizen und Vorträgen dargelegt hat. Auf einer zweiten – praktischen – Ebene wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit er seine Ideen in der preußischen Rechtswirklichkeit umsetzen konnte. Untersucht wird in diesem Zusammenhang, ob und in welchem Umfang das Allgemeine Preußische Landrecht dazu bestimmt war, den monarchischen Herrscher rechtlichen Bindungen zu unterwerfen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird unter anderem die Frage beleuchtet, welche Auffassungen Friedrich der Große zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Recht vertrat und welche Motive dafür bestimmend waren, dass sein Nachfolger kurz vor Inkrafttreten der Privatrechtskodifikation eine Schlussrevision derselben anordnete, in deren Verlauf einige zentrale Bestimmungen gestrichen wurden. Die Frankfurter Dissertation (Doktorvater: Professor Dr. Lothar Gall) wurde mit dem Dissertationspreis 2011 des Stiftungsfonds Kopper der Stiftung "pro universitate" (Frankfurt am Main) ausgezeichnet.
Aktualisiert: 2021-06-18
> findR *
Das Spannungsverhältnis, das dem Begriff des aufgeklärten Absolutismus inhärent ist, setzt sich zu einem gewissen Grad in einer Dichotomie von Herrschaft und Recht fort. Das Buch analysiert das Verhältnis dieser beiden Größen aus der Perspektive von Carl Gottlieb Svarez (1746–1798), der die Gesetzgebung der preußischen Staaten im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert wie kein anderer beeinflusst hat, vor allem durch seine Arbeit als Hauptverantwortlicher an der Entstehung des Allgemeinen Preußischen Landrechts von 1794.
Der Autor analysiert die Ansätze des Rechtsreformers zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Recht auf zwei unterschiedlichen Ebenen. Auf einer ersten – theoretischen – Ebene werden Svarez’ Gedanken und Reflexionen untersucht, die er in seinen vielfältigen Abhandlungen, Aktennotizen und Vorträgen dargelegt hat. Auf einer zweiten – praktischen – Ebene wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit er seine Ideen in der preußischen Rechtswirklichkeit umsetzen konnte. Untersucht wird in diesem Zusammenhang, ob und in welchem Umfang das Allgemeine Preußische Landrecht dazu bestimmt war, den monarchischen Herrscher rechtlichen Bindungen zu unterwerfen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird unter anderem die Frage beleuchtet, welche Auffassungen Friedrich der Große zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Recht vertrat und welche Motive dafür bestimmend waren, dass sein Nachfolger kurz vor Inkrafttreten der Privatrechtskodifikation eine Schlussrevision derselben anordnete, in deren Verlauf einige zentrale Bestimmungen gestrichen wurden.
Die Frankfurter Dissertation (Doktorvater: Professor Dr. Lothar Gall) wurde mit dem Dissertationspreis 2011 des Stiftungsfonds Kopper der Stiftung "pro universitate" (Frankfurt am Main) ausgezeichnet.
Aktualisiert: 2020-05-20
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Edition based on the 1784-87 edition. Includes references to the ›Allgemeine Landrecht‹, the ›Allgemeine Gesetzbuch‹, the complaints filed as well as their examination.
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Gliederung: Erste Abteilung: Eigene Werke; Zweite Abteilung: Die Preußische Rechtsreform (I. Das Allgemeine Landrecht: Die Texte; II. Die Materialien zur Preußischen Rechtsreform; III. Bibliographie zur Preußischen Kodifikation).
Carl Gottlieb Svarez (1746–1798) war der eigentliche Schöpfer der preußischen Rechtsreform, der größten Kodifikation in der Geschichte des Rechts. Svarez trat auch entschieden für die Aufklärung der Bürger über das Recht und dessen Reform ein.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
C. G. Svarez (1746–1798), who was the brains behind and the creator of Prussian codification between 1780 and 1798, was a figure who had a decisive influence on legal thought and legal practice. This volume focuses on his works. The articles deal with the visualization of the historical framework in which the Prussian law reforms and above all the implementation of Prussian Civil Code took place. Svarez is ever-present when it comes to the discussion of the Enlightenment and the developments in constitutional law at the end of the 18th century. Those surroundings which influenced Svarez and on which he had a decisive influence are examined. The appraisal of the Prussian Civil Code from a legal and literary perspective of the 19th century, which concludes this volume, may also be seen as the way in which the following generations judged Svarez's life's work.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹. 152110310 – SVAREZ:SCHRIFTEN,2.ABT.IA BD.3 Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ‹General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez' evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ‹General Code of Law‹ and the ‹Prussian Civil Code‹.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
When there is a discussion about the transition in Prussia around 1800, as a rule this refers to the reforms which began after 1806. In contrast to this, this volume attempts to focus on other subjects which had previously not received much attention from researchers of Prussian history and in particular to explore the processes of changes within contemporary Prussian society at that time. The articles deal mainly with historico-cultural issues as well as with the changes in the law but also examine the history of the social classes and the crisis of confidence and authority in Prussia before 1806.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
Klaus Berndl,
Thomas Ertmann,
Eckhart Hellmuth,
Norbert Hinske,
Diethelm Klippel,
Peter Krause,
Johannes Kunisch,
Hartmut Lehmann,
Immo Meenken,
Wolfgang Neugebauer,
Thomas Nutz,
Julia Schreiner,
Michael Trauth
> findR *
The manuscripts of the lectures held in front of the subsequent King Frederick William III of Prussia and their written summaries are made accessible here for the first time. The first volume of the set contains the material from the first series of lectures on ‹General Constitutional Law‹ which binds the monarch to the principles of a state which ensures freedom although he still retains his ultimate decision-making authority. The manuscripts on positive law in the second volume of the set provide a unique insight into the history, the point of departure and the motivation of Frederick‹s legal reforms and the legal situation they brought about and are also a reminder of the restrictions placed upon the absolute ruler when applying the law.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *
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