This publication refers to the 2008 exhibition and symposium "Reconstructing Swiss video art from the 1970s and 1980s" by the AktiveArchive research project. The exhibition and symposium were created in collaboration with the Museum of Art Lucerne and were implemented on its premises. AktiveArchive combines art-scientific and conservation-restoration research in the field of electronic art. Historical and methodical research, documentation and analysis are as intrinsic to the project as are questions relating to re-performance, data transfer, restoration, and long-term conservation. * * The exhibition provided the first opportunity to present an overview of 20 years of Swiss video art. More than 20 installations and over 30 videos were selected as being representative, and they were shown whenever possible with equipment dating from the time when the works were produced. Accompanying the symposium were discussions by both specialists from Germany, Holland and Switzerland as well as by the general public. These focused on the concept of the exhibition, the principle of re-performance implemented in the reconstructions, and the problems raised by the long-term conservation of electronic works. * * Exhibition with works by Hanspeter Ammann, René Bauermeister, Marie-José Burki, Geneviève Calame, Chérif and Silvie Defraoui, Herbert Fritsch/René Pulfer, Jacques Guyonnet, Alexander Hahn, Klara Kuchta, Simon Lamunière, Eric Lanz, Urs Lüthi, Christian Marclay, Muda Mathis/Käthe Walser, Dieter Meier, Gérald Minkoff, Guido Nussbaum, Muriel Olesen, Jean Otth, Pipilotti Rist, Alex Silber, Hannes Vogel, Janos Urban, Anna Winteler, and Rémy Zaugg/René Pulfer. * * Symposium with contributions by Christoph Blase, Sabine Breitwieser, Wolfgang Ernst, Christiane Fricke, Johannes Gfeller, Christoph Lichtin, René Pulfer/Sibylle Omlin, Jochen Saueracker, Joanna Phillips, Irene Schubiger and Gaby Wijers. * * AktiveArchive – a project run by the Bern University of the Arts BUA and the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA), with the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, Bern, in the context of
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-05
> findR *
Essentially self-taught, internationally-reknowned Swiss photographer Hannes Schmid has been active for decades in various fields of photography. He chose to preserve blurred the boundaries between commissioned projects and personal work very early, offering the viewer a somehow intimate and close-to-reality experience through his various images series. * * By the late 1970s he focused on simultaneously documenting cannibal folk culture in Indonesia and the rock music scene, his interest spanning such different subjects because of their “intensity.” He spent almost a decade on tour with over 250 bands before entering the world of fashion and advertising photography. Schmid produced his famous icon–the Marlboro cowboy–later, reaching mass audiences as well as the contemporary art scene. * * “For Gods Only,” “The Flow of Life,” “F1- Moment of a Moment,” and the film “Bonneville Final Run“ are some of his most important projects. On the ocassion of his personal exhibition at Kunstmuseum Bern (2013), Schmid has decided to work on a retrospective publication. A large selection of his photographic works are included as well as a compilation of texts by Elisabeth Bronfen, Gail Buckland, Rainer Egloff, Matthias Frehner, Kornelia Imesch, Christiane Kuhlmann, and Ildegarda Scheidegger, which contextualize his work and address his position as a creative agent within photographic practice. * * Published with Kunstmuseum Bern.
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-05
> findR *
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