Optical communication technologies and networks form an important fundament of our society. The internet would not be as powerful and ubiquitous as it is without it. The ever-increasing demand for higher transmission capacity – in long-haul communication as well as in metro and access networks – requires more performant, but also more complex transmission systems. Besides the impressive achievements in high-speed optical transmission links, aspects such as network management, flexible and elastic networks, the evolution of heterogeneous networks, fixed-mobile integration, optical solutions for next-generation mobile networks and satellite communication have become very busy research topics that form important parts of the optical infrastructure.
This conference on photonic networks addresses all these aspects of modern optical communication networks. It shall provide the opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and present works in all these interconnected disciplines. ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-06
> findR *
Optical communication technologies and networks form an important fundament of our society. The internet would not be as powerful and ubiquitous as it is without it. The ever-increasing demand for higher transmission capacity – in long-haul communication as well as in metro and access networks – requires more performant, but also more complex transmission systems. Besides the impressive achievements in high-speed optical transmission links, aspects such as network management, flexible and elastic networks, the evolution of heterogeneous networks, fixed-mobile integration, optical solutions for next-generation mobile networks and satellite communication have become very busy research topics that form important parts of the optical infrastructure.
This conference on photonic networks addresses all these aspects of modern optical communication networks. It shall provide the opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and present works in all these interconnected disciplines. ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-23
> findR *
Optical communication technologies and networks form an important fundament of our society. The internet would not be as powerful and ubiquitous as it is without it. The ever-increasing demand for higher transmission capacity – in long-haul communication as well as in metro and access networks – requires more performant, but also more complex transmission systems. Besides the impressive achievements in high-speed optical transmission links, aspects such as network management, flexible and elastic networks, the evolution of heterogeneous networks, fixed-mobile integration, optical solutions for next-generation mobile networks and satellite communication have become very busy research topics that form important parts of the optical infrastructure.
This conference on photonic networks addresses all these aspects of modern optical communication networks. It shall provide the opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and present works in all these interconnected disciplines. ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-20
> findR *
Optical communication technologies and networks form an important fundament of our society. The internet would not be as powerful and ubiquitous as it is without it. The ever-increasing demand for higher transmission capacity – in long-haul communication as well as in metro and access networks – requires more performant, but also more complex transmission systems. Besides the impressive achievements in high-speed optical transmission links, aspects such as network management, flexible and elastic networks, the evolution of heterogeneous networks, fixed-mobile integration, optical solutions for next-generation mobile networks and satellite communication have become very busy research topics that form important parts of the optical infrastructure.
This conference on photonic networks addresses all these aspects of modern optical communication networks. It shall provide the opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and present works in all these interconnected disciplines. ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
Optical communication technologies and networks form an important fundament of our society. The internet would not be as powerful and ubiquitous as it is without it. The ever-increasing demand for higher transmission capacity – in long-haul communication as well as in metro and access networks – requires more performant, but also more complex transmission systems. Besides the impressive achievements in high-speed optical transmission links, aspects such as network management, flexible and elastic networks, the evolution of heterogeneous networks, fixed-mobile integration, optical solutions for next-generation mobile networks and satellite communication have become very busy research topics that form important parts of the optical infrastructure.
This conference on photonic networks addresses all these aspects of modern optical communication networks. It shall provide the opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and present works in all these interconnected disciplines. ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-17
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *
- Komponenten und Systeme für Optische Netze (ON)
- WDM und Hochgeschwindigkeitsübertragung
- Robuste und effiziente Modulation und Kodierung
- Knotenarchitekturen und -technologien
- Netzkonzepte
- Carrier Grade Ethernet: 100G Ethernet und mehr
- Optische Metro- und Regionalnetze
- Next Generation Optical Access
- Optische Systeme für Data Center
- Quantum Key Distribution
- Optische Freistrahlübertragung
- Satelliten- und HAP-basierte ON
- Planung und Dimensionierung von ON
- Netzsteuerung, Schutzmechanismen
- Multi-Layer Analysen
- Kostenanalysen und Migration ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-09
> findR *
Der VDE ITG Fachausschuss KT3 „Optische Nachrichtentechnik" und die VDE ITG Fachgruppe KT3.3 „Photonische Netze" veranstalten am 19. und 20. Mai 2021 online die 22. VDE ITG Fachtagung „Photonische Netze".
• Komponenten und Systeme für Optische Netze (ON)
• WDM und Hochgeschwindigkeitsübertragung
• Robuste und effiziente Modulation und Kodierung
• Knotenarchitekturen und technologien
• Netzkonzepte
• Carrier Grade Ethernet: 100G Ethernet und mehr
• Optische Metro und Regionalnetze
• Next Generation Optical Access
• Optische Systeme für Data Center
• Quantum Key Distribution
• Optische Freistrahlübertragung
• Satelliten und HAPbasierte ON
• Planung und Dimensionierung von ON
• Netzsteuerung, Schutzmechanismen
• MultiLayer Analysen
• Kostenanalysen und Migration ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-09
> findR *
• Komponenten und Systeme für Optische Netze (ON)
• WDM und Hochgeschwindigkeitsübertragung
• Robuste und effiziente Übertragung
• Modulation und Kodierung
• Knotenarchitekturen und -technologien
• Netzkonzepte
• Carrier Grade Ethernet: 100G Ethernet und mehr
• Optische Metro- und Regionalnetze
• Next Generation Optical Access (NGOA)
• Optische Systeme für Data Center
• Modellierung von optischen Netzen
• Stratospheric and Space Optical Communications
• Planung und Dimensionierung von ON
• Netzsteuerung, Schutzmechanismen
• Multi-Layer Analysen
• Kostenanalysen und Migration ..weiterlesen
Aktualisiert: 2022-10-20
> findR *
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