Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V
The method Design of Experiments is well-established in today's engine development process. This thesis is confirmed in the conference proceedings at hand, where experts of international automotive manufacturers and supply industry as well as various research institutes and universities present their current results and experiences concerning the topic. In developing new methods, it is important to realize that - just as with technical innovations - the road from verifying functionality to efficient use in a production project is a long one. This calls for user-friendly tools and convincing launch strategies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V
The method Design of Experiments is well-established in today's engine development process. This thesis is confirmed in the conference proceedings at hand, where experts of international automotive manufacturers and supply industry as well as various research institutes and universities present their current results and experiences concerning the topic. In developing new methods, it is important to realize that - just as with technical innovations - the road from verifying functionality to efficient use in a production project is a long one. This calls for user-friendly tools and convincing launch strategies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-05
> findR *

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V
The method Design of Experiments is well-established in today's engine development process. This thesis is confirmed in the conference proceedings at hand, where experts of international automotive manufacturers and supply industry as well as various research institutes and universities present their current results and experiences concerning the topic. In developing new methods, it is important to realize that - just as with technical innovations - the road from verifying functionality to efficient use in a production project is a long one. This calls for user-friendly tools and convincing launch strategies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-08
> findR *

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V

Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, V
The method Design of Experiments is well-established in today's engine development process. This thesis is confirmed in the conference proceedings at hand, where experts of international automotive manufacturers and supply industry as well as various research institutes and universities present their current results and experiences concerning the topic. In developing new methods, it is important to realize that - just as with technical innovations - the road from verifying functionality to efficient use in a production project is a long one. This calls for user-friendly tools and convincing launch strategies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-04
> findR *

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