Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Maurer,  Frank, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Maurer,  Frank, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Maurer,  Frank, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Glaube, Vernunft und Charakter

Glaube, Vernunft und Charakter von Koritensky,  Andreas, Sans,  Georg, Schmidt,  Josef
The role played by epistemic virtues in the formation of convictions was long neglected in epistemology. The same also applies to the analysis of faith. To address the issue, this study draws on recent approaches to epistemology that are know as "virtue epistemology" and offer a new solution to the problem. In this view, epistemic concepts do not have to be examined purely cognitively, but also have to be related to characteristics and dispositions of the perceiving subject - namely, attitudes and character traits that lead to the formation of convictions. For this purpose, the potentials of virtue epistemology in the philosophy of religion for analysing the concept of faith are examined, while on the other hand the focus on a purely intellectualizing justification of religious convictions is corrected - so that a plurality of forms of conviction formation emerges in which epistemic virtues also play an indispensable role. This clearly marks the way in which faith and lifestyle, epistemology and anthropology belong together.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Glaube, Vernunft und Charakter

Glaube, Vernunft und Charakter von Koritensky,  Andreas, Sans,  Georg, Schmidt,  Josef
The role played by epistemic virtues in the formation of convictions was long neglected in epistemology. The same also applies to the analysis of faith. To address the issue, this study draws on recent approaches to epistemology that are know as "virtue epistemology" and offer a new solution to the problem. In this view, epistemic concepts do not have to be examined purely cognitively, but also have to be related to characteristics and dispositions of the perceiving subject - namely, attitudes and character traits that lead to the formation of convictions. For this purpose, the potentials of virtue epistemology in the philosophy of religion for analysing the concept of faith are examined, while on the other hand the focus on a purely intellectualizing justification of religious convictions is corrected - so that a plurality of forms of conviction formation emerges in which epistemic virtues also play an indispensable role. This clearly marks the way in which faith and lifestyle, epistemology and anthropology belong together.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Technik und Taktik der Befragung

Technik und Taktik der Befragung von Hoffmann,  Helmut, Wendler,  Axel
"Whoever asks, shall receive answers, whoever asks correctly, shall receive the correct answers." & But correct answers can vary complete. The book assists those involved in regards to questioning in a target-orientated manner. It explains the method of analysing the content of statements and how to recognise lies and mistakes. How to deal with foreigners and their statements is also covered. Furthermore, there is a chapter on the possibilities and (standard) legal restrictions of the preparation of witnesses by lawyers, as well as a chapter in regards to having discussions, especially over the telephone.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-28
> findR *

Die Sphäre der Offenkundigkeit in der Strafprozessordnung

Die Sphäre der Offenkundigkeit in der Strafprozessordnung von Hiegert,  Egon
Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Aufklärungspflicht und Beschleunigungsmaxime stellt sich in der Praxis häufig als Zielkonflikt dar. Die Erforschung der historischen und psychologischen Grundlagen sowie ein Vergleich mit in- und ausländischen Rechtsordnungen ermöglichen in Verbindung mit den Prozessprinzipien eine kritische Analyse der Offenkundigkeit. Während die bisherige Definition zur Allgemeinkundigkeit weitgehend dogmatische Bestätigung findet, erfährt die Gerichtskundigkeit eine beachtliche Erweiterung. Spezielle Problemkreise stellen die Erfahrungssätze, die Kollegialgerichte, die Offenkundigkeit des Gegenteils, die Behandlung in der Hauptverhandlung, im Protokoll und im Urteil sowie die Revisibilität dar.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-19
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Überzeugungsbildung

Sie suchen ein Buch über Überzeugungsbildung? Bei Buch findr finden Sie eine große Auswahl Bücher zum Thema Überzeugungsbildung. Entdecken Sie neue Bücher oder Klassiker für Sie selbst oder zum Verschenken. Buch findr hat zahlreiche Bücher zum Thema Überzeugungsbildung im Sortiment. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit zum Stöbern und finden Sie das passende Buch für Ihr Lesevergnügen. Stöbern Sie durch unser Angebot und finden Sie aus unserer großen Auswahl das Buch, das Ihnen zusagt. Bei Buch findr finden Sie Romane, Ratgeber, wissenschaftliche und populärwissenschaftliche Bücher uvm. Bestellen Sie Ihr Buch zum Thema Überzeugungsbildung einfach online und lassen Sie es sich bequem nach Hause schicken. Wir wünschen Ihnen schöne und entspannte Lesemomente mit Ihrem Buch.

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