Gastroenterological Endoscopy

Gastroenterological Endoscopy von Classen,  Meinhard, Lightdale,  Charles J., Tytgat,  Guido N.J.
Praise for the previous edition: "This work has great visual appeal and superb images...a superior text that will undoubtedly withstand the test of time."--Gastroenterology Written and edited by internationally renowned specialists, the second edition of Gastroenterological Endoscopy covers the entire spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the upper and lower GI tract and provides an up-to-date overview of GI disorders. The book opens with a section on the development and technology of endoscopy, followed by an expanded section on issues related to patient care, such as informed consent, sedation, and special clinical conditions. The discussion of techniques for the diagnosis of GI diseases ranges from enteroscopy and colonoscopy to recent advances in capsule endoscopy and chromoendoscopy. New to the section on therapeutic procedures is coverage of such topics as dilation techniques, resection, ablation, and dissection. The book closes with a chapter on pediatric endoscopy. Features of the second edition: Thirteen new chapters present current developments in the specialty, including evidence-based approaches, natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) and hybrid procedures, endoscopic therapy in obesity, and therapeutic endosonography Insightful contributions are presented in a format that aids rapid reference to key topics 1,820 high-quality illustrations and endoscopic images, including over 1,135 in full-color, demonstrate anatomy and pathophysiology Already a standard in the field, this text is an essential desk reference for all clinicians in gastroenterology, internal medicine, and GI surgery. Residents and fellows in these specialties will also greatly appreciate its easily accessible wealth of information and visual appeal.
Aktualisiert: 2017-05-23
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