Accompanying text in English:
Except for the title page, the book is in correctly checked German and therefore easy to translate.
However, there are problems for all other languages in the references to the cross-sum calculations, which form a unit with German terms. That is why, at least especially in the western languages originating from Latin, German is immensely important for understanding the connection between matter and spirit, that the checksums always refer to the number of TEN FINGERS of man and the origin of all there Terms, including spiritual.
The CROSS is completely independent of religion and is actually a plus sign to which a LIVING PEOPLE is nailed, namely DU SELBST (you yourself), which can translate the language into numbers to form a general consensus, which is why you can also understand others by the concept of Charity among people, even if you don’t know their language. This is one of the most important results of this pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
And that explains the central connection, which is contained in my Google profile picture under the email address "":
That the whole world is crucified and that in the traffic symbol of the "stopping ban" has entered all brains of modern and traffic-dependent people.
So we can say:
Jesus has risen and is LIVING, and for everyone who understands this for himself personally, he is the "Son of Man in and of himself" and no longer simply "believes" in any historical existence and then has to follow any religious concept.
Religions are not "wrong", but in my opinion they have not grasped the essential, FREEDOM IN THINKING.
Greetings cosmos
Aktualisiert: 2022-01-31
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