Following the great expeditions of the 18th and 19th century, travel activity in general increased from the end of the 18th century onwards. In addition to European destinations, the Orient and above all Egypt now became the goal of this movement embracing travel and exoticism. This work centers on the question of the received patterns of thought and argumentation that were applied consciously or unconsciously by the travelers. By way of example, the reports of the Austrian scholar and scientist Joseph (Ritter von) Russegger are examined. Russegger’s travels to Egypt are notable because he traveled the country as a scientist on behalf of the Egyptian government, which gave him insights into areas of the country and the state that were seldom accessible to a foreigner. The factor that distinguishes Russegger from other travelers is his meticulousness, thanks to which he may be regarded as a forerunner of science in the sense of Humboldt’s educational ideal.
Aktualisiert: 2020-06-05
> findR *
Following the great expeditions of the 18th and 19th century, travel activity in general increased from the end of the 18th century onwards. In addition to European destinations, the Orient and above all Egypt now became the goal of this movement embracing travel and exoticism. This work centers on the question of the received patterns of thought and argumentation that were applied consciously or unconsciously by the travelers. By way of example, the reports of the Austrian scholar and scientist Joseph (Ritter von) Russegger are examined. Russegger’s travels to Egypt are notable because he traveled the country as a scientist on behalf of the Egyptian government, which gave him insights into areas of the country and the state that were seldom accessible to a foreigner. The factor that distinguishes Russegger from other travelers is his meticulousness, thanks to which he may be regarded as a forerunner of science in the sense of Humboldt’s educational ideal.
Aktualisiert: 2020-06-05
> findR *
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