Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology von Comer,  Ronald J
For the latest edition of this comprehensive core textbook, Ron Comer is joined by Jonathan Comer who brings his special expertise in developmental psychopathology research, brain circuitry, cognitive-behavioural research, and technology-driven treatment. The authors are skilled at communicating the complexities of abnormal psychology, speaking to the concerns of students, and portraying the real human impact of psychological disorders.With its signature integrated coverage of theory, diagnosis, and treatment, and remarkably inclusive cross-cultural perspective, this textbook is widely adopted on abnormal psychology courses and shows students where the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today.The book can be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, LaunchPad, which offers innovative media content, curated and organised for easy assignability. LaunchPad's intuitive interface presents quizzing, flashcards, animations and much more to make learning actively engaging.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-26
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