KAWS: New Fiction

KAWS: New Fiction
Based on the blockbuster 2022 solo show in London, KAWS: NEW FICTION documents the ground-breaking, multi-layered exhibition that presented the artist’s new and recent works in physical and augmented reality. A unique collaboration between the acclaimed artist KAWS, the Serpentine Galleries, digital art platform Acute Art, and the online video game phenomenon Fortnite, KAWS: NEW FICTION bridges the gap between the physical and virtual worlds, showcasing KAWS’s artworks as they’ve never been seen before. This one-of-a-kind book chronicles the iconic KAWS figure as it journeys through viewing the exhibition’s paintings, sculptures, site-specific additional artworks revealed via augmented reality (visible at the show through a dedicated AR app), and the virtual recreation of the physical gallery simultaneously featured in Fortnite. KAWS: NEW FICTION is a celebration of the unprecedented exhibition, and KAWS’s creative influence, as it was experienced in physical, virtual, and augmented realities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

KAWS: New Fiction

KAWS: New Fiction
Based on the blockbuster 2022 solo show in London, KAWS: NEW FICTION documents the ground-breaking, multi-layered exhibition that presented the artist’s new and recent works in physical and augmented reality. A unique collaboration between the acclaimed artist KAWS, the Serpentine Galleries, digital art platform Acute Art, and the online video game phenomenon Fortnite, KAWS: NEW FICTION bridges the gap between the physical and virtual worlds, showcasing KAWS’s artworks as they’ve never been seen before. This one-of-a-kind book chronicles the iconic KAWS figure as it journeys through viewing the exhibition’s paintings, sculptures, site-specific additional artworks revealed via augmented reality (visible at the show through a dedicated AR app), and the virtual recreation of the physical gallery simultaneously featured in Fortnite. KAWS: NEW FICTION is a celebration of the unprecedented exhibition, and KAWS’s creative influence, as it was experienced in physical, virtual, and augmented realities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

KAWS: New Fiction

KAWS: New Fiction
Based on the blockbuster 2022 solo show in London, KAWS: NEW FICTION documents the ground-breaking, multi-layered exhibition that presented the artist’s new and recent works in physical and augmented reality. A unique collaboration between the acclaimed artist KAWS, the Serpentine Galleries, digital art platform Acute Art, and the online video game phenomenon Fortnite, KAWS: NEW FICTION bridges the gap between the physical and virtual worlds, showcasing KAWS’s artworks as they’ve never been seen before. This one-of-a-kind book chronicles the iconic KAWS figure as it journeys through viewing the exhibition’s paintings, sculptures, site-specific additional artworks revealed via augmented reality (visible at the show through a dedicated AR app), and the virtual recreation of the physical gallery simultaneously featured in Fortnite. KAWS: NEW FICTION is a celebration of the unprecedented exhibition, and KAWS’s creative influence, as it was experienced in physical, virtual, and augmented realities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

KAWS: New Fiction

KAWS: New Fiction
Based on the blockbuster 2022 solo show in London, KAWS: NEW FICTION documents the ground-breaking, multi-layered exhibition that presented the artist’s new and recent works in physical and augmented reality. A unique collaboration between the acclaimed artist KAWS, the Serpentine Galleries, digital art platform Acute Art, and the online video game phenomenon Fortnite, KAWS: NEW FICTION bridges the gap between the physical and virtual worlds, showcasing KAWS’s artworks as they’ve never been seen before. This one-of-a-kind book chronicles the iconic KAWS figure as it journeys through viewing the exhibition’s paintings, sculptures, site-specific additional artworks revealed via augmented reality (visible at the show through a dedicated AR app), and the virtual recreation of the physical gallery simultaneously featured in Fortnite. KAWS: NEW FICTION is a celebration of the unprecedented exhibition, and KAWS’s creative influence, as it was experienced in physical, virtual, and augmented realities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

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