European Cities, Municipal Organizations and Diversity

European Cities, Municipal Organizations and Diversity von Schiller,  Maria
This book challenges the prevailing view that local authorities are irrelevant in immigration policy-making. Presenting an in-depth ethnographic study of the recent implementation of local ‘diversity policies’ in the Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom, it identifies a new politics of difference, characterized by a ‘paradigmatic pragmatism’. Building on extensive fieldwork in Amsterdam, Antwerp and Leeds, the author shows that, rather than simply replacing an earlier politics of difference, local diversity policies combine ideals of multiculturalism, assimilation and diversity. She links these findings to the ongoing modernization and diversification of municipal authorities, and the impact of this transformation on the profile of the bureaucrats and their implementation of diversity policies. This thought-provoking work will appeal to students, researchers and practitioners engaged in the fields of immigration, diversity and multiculturalism. <
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-26
> findR *

Black Masculinity on Film

Black Masculinity on Film von O'Brien,  Daniel
This book provides wide-ranging commentary on depictions of the black male in mainstream cinema. O’Brien explores the extent to which counter-representations of black masculinity have been achieved within a predominately white industry, with an emphasis on agency, the negotiation and malleability of racial status, and the inherent instability of imposed racial categories. Focusing on American and European cinema, the chapters  highlight actors (Woody Strode, Noble Johnson, Eddie Anderson, Will Smith), genres (jungle pictures, westerns, science fiction) and franchises (Tarzan, James Bond) underrepresented in previous critical and scholarly commentary in the field. The author argues that although the characters and performances generated in these areas invoke popular genre types, they display complexity, diversity and ambiguity, exhibiting aspects that are positive, progressive and subversive. This book will appeal to both the academic and the general reader interested in film, race, gender and colonial issues.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-26
> findR *

The Statesman’s Yearbook Companion

The Statesman’s Yearbook Companion von Palgrave Macmillan
This companion to the classic reference work provides detailed biographies of past leaders and figureheads not found in the annual publication, and also includes comprehensive chronologies of natural disasters and key political events, as well as overviews of major global cities.In addition to facts and figures, the publication also includes infographics commemorating the anniversaries of key historical events as well as a number of synopses of relevant and related publications. Alongside continues to provide accurate and reliable information about politics, culture and the world.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-26
> findR *

Commercial and Investment Banking and the International Credit and Capital Markets

Commercial and Investment Banking and the International Credit and Capital Markets von Scott-Quinn,  B.
An introductory guide to finance and the financial markets, designed to help professionals and students understand the complex finance industry. It is a modern text that covers all major developments in markets in the period since the year 2000, the beginning of the global financial, eurozone and US government debt crises, up to the start of 2012.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-26
> findR *

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