"Ideas for Teaching in Higher Education" suggests methods to create interactive lectures and seminars. 80 teaching methods for the starting phase, the exploration phase and the end of a teaching unit help to give the students orientation in the subjects, explore the matter deeply and secure the learning outcomes. "Ideas for Teaching in Higher Education" invites you to try alternative teaching methods that allow deep learning and fun.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-02
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The objective of this paper Whom do we plan for? – Analysis and comparison of two planning controversies: causes and possible strategies by Magdalena Konieczek and Jacob Köppel is to illustrate challenges in planning processes associated with large-scale projects, based on two case-studies. Therefore it explains critical approval processes, focussing on possibilities for participation. The discourse on the selected case-studies – the nearly finished construction of the new Berlin-Brandenburg-Airport (BER) and the reconstruction of the railway-infrastructure in Stuttgart (“Stuttgart 21”) – illustrates that this kind of projects typically has a huge potential for conflicts and that these problems are based in the German planning system. The result of this exploration is that the German planning system needs to generate a higher level of rationality, reflectivity and legitimacy in its decisions. The problems are furthermore rooted in inadequate options for the citizens to participate. Not all of those problems can be solved by the planning authorities and there is always a risk for large-scale projects to spark a controversy. But it is possible for planners to identify such conflicts in an early stage and to minimize their impacts. For this they would need comprehensive participation in earlier stages of the projects with the possibility for all citizens to discuss their arguments in equality to the planners and to participate in the decision-making.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-02
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The dissertation is based on practical challenges in the fast moving consumer goods industry: Especially customer-oriented distribution levels show a massive demand for high delivery frequencies and high availability of a wide range of products which results in an increased need for innovative logistics concepts. A total of 23 solutions from six design levels are presented in terms of their contribution to the integration of transport and logistics. These include strengthening inter-enterprise cooperation, creating a process-oriented internal organization, design of contracts within integrated transport planning, the use of technology, the promotion of customer and process orientation of transport service providers and the creation of interfaces to governmental policy making.
The implementation of the solutions is taking into account the feasibility and practical relevance and is illustrated with the aid of the SCOR process reference model. The aggregated results are integrated into a cross-stakeholder frame work, which application leads to an increase in efficiency of logistics activities and provides a systematization of solutions as a novel scientific contribution.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-30
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If they want to stay competitive and to benefit from the growth of the logistics service market contract logistics providers have to improve their capabilities to develop new service solutions in an efficient way. In this context innovative technologies are not only an important lever to realize market potential but also strategic drivers of change. The technology trends which can be identified from today’s perspective will lead to new scenarios for value creation and will force the market actors to adapt to upcoming market conditions. Hence, companies which are able to forecast the potential of upcoming technologies and to use them to overcome their challenges and to provide innovative service concepts to their customers will gain an important advantage above their competitors.
Therefore the focus of this dissertation is put on the development of a holistic and context-related management approach for the establishment of a technology-oriented service engineering at contract logistics providers. The goal is to provide support for the decision makers to create the structures and processes needed for an efficient, systematic and technology-oriented service design.
According to the research design, the methodical approach is structured in five phases. The specification of the research topics, the analysis and interpretation of the problem-related theories and the design of an appropriate conceptual framework is based on systematic literature reviews. For the following analysis and description of the practical application context with direct involvement of business experts a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods is used (explorative factor analysis, regression analysis, exploratory data analysis, group discussion and expert interviews. The utilization of these methods allows to describe the main success factors of a technology-oriented service engineering, the main challenges of the companies and hands-on measures to tackle them. The findings are used for the conceptual elaboration of the new management approach in course of an abductive research step.
The holistic approach is structured in form of a design model which visualizes all relevant fields of action. On top level the model differentiates between the cultural and strategic foundation on the one hand and the market- and technology-oriented development process on the other. The technology management function is regarded as support function for the actual service design process. All described measures and tools are conceptualized and adopted with respect to specified success criteria. After its development the management approach is critically reviewed and evaluated in coordination with experts from contracts logistics companies.
In summary the dissertation, which is in first line dedicated to practitioners and managers of contract logistics companies, provides an practice-oriented approach, an comprehensive overview of the relevant fields of management and points out important, unanswered questions which can be taken as motivation for further research activities.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-30
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The papers in this volume deal with various aspects of urban cycling. These papers originate from research and course work at the Technische Universität Berlin, chair Verkehrswesenseminar (Transportation Seminar). The topics of this volume range from cyclists' (transgressive) behavior and their general requirements to detailed views on bicycle rental systems, bicycle parking facilities in shopping streets and coordination of traffic signals. Furthermore, topics like cycling culture and cycling promotion in European cities and its transferability are covered in detail.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
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Als Diskussionsforum zielt der MX Dialogue auf die Reflexion und den fundierten Austausch über Trends, die Einfluss auf die Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke nehmen. Im Rahmen des ersten Arbeitskreises FLEAN PRODUCTION: flexibel und lean wurde die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft im Rahmen dieses Veranstaltungsformates vertieft fortgesetzt und die Ergebnisse im vorliegenden Abschlussbericht veröffentlicht. Steigende Volatilität im Nachfrageverhalten, gestiegene Anforderungen an die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit auf höchst kundenindividuelle Produkte und Anpassungen der Prozesse sind völlig branchenunabhängig und für jedes Unternehmen heutzutage von besonderer Bedeutung. Dafür die bestehenden Lösungsansätze zu hinterfragen und weiterzudenken, war den 14 teilnehmenden Unternehmen des Arbeitskreises ein besonderes Anliegen und so zeigt die hohe Bereitschaft zum Austausch und zu intensiven Diskussionen die Brisanz des gemeinsam gewählten Arbeitskreisthemas. Althergebrachte Denkansätze zum Thema der schlanken Produktion sollten dabei überprüft werden. Der Abschlussbericht des Arbeitskreises erläutert Lösungen zur Ausrichtung der Unternehmensprozesse unter Berücksichtigung von Volatilitätsaspekten sowie der Beherrschung der zunehmend unsicheren Umweltbedingungen mit den Unternehmen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden folgende Thesen überprüft: „Ist der Ansatz der ‚Lean Production‘ in volatilen Zeiten flexibel genug?“ und „Welche Gestaltungsansätze können für die Themenschwerpunkte erarbeitet werden? Neben den vorgestellten unternehmensspezifischen Ausprägungen und der generischen Gestaltungsansätze werden die Erkenntnisse aus den Expertenteams zur Veranschaulichung in einem „Use Case“, der die praktische Anwendbarkeit illustriert, aufgebaut.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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This book presents the fourth revision and extension of the German Inpatient Quality Indicators (G-IQI). By concept and definition these indicators are constructed in a way that they can be derived from existing administrative data. In Germany, these are available due to the DRG billing process, which covers all inpatient cases except psychiatry. Data are available on the hospital level, at insurers and due to respective legal regulations on the national level (data sets according to §21 KHEntgG and §301 SGB V). G-IQI give a comprehensive and medically meaningful overview over important and/or frequent inpatient services. They inform about volume and wherever possible about outcome. Besides the user guide and technical specifications this volume also presents an evaluation of the German national DRG data for all G-IQI indicators. According to this evaluation the G-IQI indicators cover about 42% of all German inpatient cases, which is more than in all other disease-specific indicator systems. The mortality indicators cover more than 51% of all inpatient deaths. Furthermore, national reference values and inpatient volumes can be given for all G-IQI indicators (listed in ‘Anhang 1’ of this volume). This provides new information about the state of medical care for many diseases in Germany, which otherwise is not available on a national level. Volume 2 will present additional, more detailed evaluations. Indicator systems like G-IQI may be used for public reporting. In this way G-IQI is currently utilized voluntarily in Germany by the ‘Initiative Qualitätsmedizin’ and obligatory in Switzerland (via the Swiss variant CH-IQI) for all hospitals by the ‘Bundesamt für Gesundheit’. Furthermore, deviations of outcome from national reference values for certain quality indicators within a hospital may be used to induce further investigations of treatment processes within the hospital in order to find ways for improvement. G-IQI together with internal peer review procedures can be used to build up a very efficient and powerful outcome-driven quality management system within a hospital. This volume also outlines how such a system can be set up. The second edition of volume 3 of G-IQI Version 4.0 as presented here is a combination of the user guide contained in the previously published volume 1 and the technical definition for the data year 2013 as previously published in the first edition of volume 3. Some minor errors have been corrected.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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In the context of the UNILED project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the four German university lighting technology institutes researched obstacles that may hinder the application of solid state lighting in general lighting. The research results will be used to increase acceptance of this technology amongst the general public and to utilize the German technological advance for such innovative products. The published project results are collected in this volume.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
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Die Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur systematischen Identifizierung und Darstellung der Nutzenpotentiale des Einsatzes serviceorientierter IT-Architekturen (SOA) bei Kontraktlogistikdienstleistern. Daneben erfolgt ein partieller Nachweis dieser Potentiale mittels eines prototypischen Demonstrators sowie die Erarbeitung einer fachlichen Servicelandschaft als Gestaltungsvorschlag über den Weg eines Referenzprozessmodells.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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Stadtumbau wird häufig verkürzt mit Rückbau und Wohnungsabrissen gleichgesetzt. Dabei kann ein bedarfsgerechter Umbau im Bestand durchaus mit einer Aufwertung einhergehen, die im Stadtumbau eine völlig andere Richtung als etwa in der behutsamen Stadterneuerung einschlagen. Insbesondere in Neubaugebieten, die durch rückbaubedingte Auflockerung gekennzeichnet sind, stellt sich die Frage, ob Aufwertung mehr bedeuten kann als die Herstellung besonders pflegeleichter und vielgestaltiger Freiflächen. Schon der Versuch, in den von Abwanderung betroffenen Quartieren den sozialen Zusammenhalt zu bewahren, stellt große Anforderungen an das Repertoire des Stadtumbaus.Häufig wird durch künstlerische Interventionen versucht, auf die grundlegenden Veränderungen im städtischen Zusammenleben hinzuweisen und zum Nachdenken anzuregen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wendet sich der Schwerpunkt dieses Bands an verschiedenen Stellen auch der Frage zu, welche Beiträge Kunst im Stadtumbau leisten kann.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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The objective of the project was to transform this large mono-functional housing estate into a sustainable, functionally diverse and socially blended urban district with innovative and sustainably organized technical infrastructure systems. The project brought together urban designers, landscape architects and architects as well as specialists in urban water management and energy.
While the urban designers focused on differentiation and diversity, on the integration of workplaces and communicative uses, on problems of cautious densification and on a redefinition of public spaces, the architects were concerned with reconstruction measures and potential new uses, well-defined intervention in the existing stock of concrete-slab prefabricated housing, transformation of environment, integration of new housing types in existing construction as well as new construction.
The landscape architecture is creating functional open spaces differing in their character and atmosphere, while urban water management and energy specialists, on the other hand, sought to develop concepts of responsible use of resources.
The chapter on energy technology presents decentralized solar hot water heating systems, heat recovery from wastewater, radiant heating and controlled ventilation, and shows that CO2-free heating is possible in large housing estates.
As for urban water management, its aims are water conservation, water, nutrient and energy recycling and preservation of local water resources. The project presents solutions for dealing with rainwater, grey and black water, for instance an area-integrated black water system, which is able to recycle energy and nutrients.
The particular quality of this project consists in the synthesis of the research results of all involved disciplines. The authors build up an example setting for the transformation of a monofunctional dormitory town district into sustainable mixed district.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
Moritz Abbate,
Matthias Barjenbruch,
Giulia Domeniconi,
Ruta Jacek,
Juliane Ketzer,
Luise King,
Florian Köhl,
Markus Naimer,
Huiran Tang,
Alkistis Thomidou,
Andreas Voigt,
Jürgen Weidinger,
Alexander Wriege-Bechtold,
Bingqin Yu
> findR *
An important question in the analysis of social reality and its structure is how ethics enters the awareness and actions of humans. The examination of the reasons, possibilities and aims of responsible behaviour is a permanent task for science in the quest for enlightenment.
The authors Siggelkow and Salzwedel have been writing about this topic for more than a quarter of a century in works concerning vengeance, honour and dignity, symbols and values, determinism and coincidence, the public space, technical maintenance and responsibility.
Salzwedel and Siggelkow recommend a return to the search for categories in the sense of basic units described as TIME, SPACE, SYMBOL and (social) NORM as a system of classification which transcends the borders of traditional subject disciplines. The social reality resulting from this analysis invites both a didactical approach and further research.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
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The complexity of reading the business value of it and its verification after the conclusion of ICT projects, the problems in the measurement, the time required and in the interactions with other changes are seen as a major reason for the economic considerations in practice can take place often just before the start of ICT projects. Afterthoughts on benefits or on whether the forecast of profitability actually occurring is the exception. As an example for a complex ICT system this paper focused the problem in the "ex-post" value of it capture by the example of a Unified Communication and Collaboration (UCC) information system, which is in many companies due for launch or already in use. It is investigated and shown, from which aspects (business value of it potentials) make up the benefit effect of a UCC system. Primarily it is about quantifiable efficiency and quality aspects of communication and to operational aspects, which can be determined as technical readings or by interview. The challenges to be overcome for a benefit realization are also examined as factors that may favor a benefit realization. The subjectivity of established methods of reading the business value of is in this work the motivation for putting just this subjectivity at the center of to speculate. This work proposes to reduce the complexity of considerations for the business value of ICT projects and to make the value proposition through appropriate, user-centric indicators visible.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
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In den Karikaturen von Karl-Heinz Schoenfeld spiegelt sich Zeitgeschichte, hier dargestellt am Thema Kalter Krieg und Berliner Mauer. Für die historisch-politische Bildung erschließt Ulrike Martens die Karikatur als Medium und stellt die persönlichen Ansichten des Zeichners zu der Thematik dar. Ingeborg Siggelkow beschreibt Berlin als geteilte Stadt von 1945 bis 1989.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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For the activities of the lignite mining and the power generation from lignite land is occupied and equipment and energy are used. During operation various material and energy flows such as overburden, mine water, dust, exhaust air, ash, gypsum, energy, cooling water, waste water, coolant and lubricant losses etc. are released. The released material and energy flows are nearly always without value in the raw material supply chain and in the electric power supply chain. They are not the production targets of the mining industry and the power generation industry. Instead, they usually have negative effects on the economy and ecology and are, therefore, referred to as non-intended. The knowledge of the quantities and qualities of these non-intended outputs as a function of the individual processes and their parameters is the basis for technical and economical measures to affect them. In this thesis a methodology for the acquisition and assessment of the material and energy flows in the lignite mining and the power generation from lignite is presented. The methodology is based on an integrated approach due to the comprehensive technical and economic analysis of material and energy flow systems. A hierarchical system structure allows the precise assignment of the material and energy flows to the individual processes. Mathematical process models were deduced to characterise the chemical change of materials and the conversion of energy during processes. For modelling the overall system as a material and energy flow network and for calculating unknown material and energy flows in dependence on defined model parameters the software Umberto is used. The system analysis and the investigation of the general conditions for the lignite mining and the power generation in lignite-fired power plants in Germany show a complex overall system with many influencing factors. Using the example of mining in an opencast mine with conveyor bridge technology and mine water treatment together with the example of power generation in a conventional steam plant with the option of post combustion carbon dioxide capture and compression all the relevant non-intended outputs are determined and aggregated to characteristical indicators. The results of two case studies show that the quantity of equal lignite mined, conveyed and converted to electricity had to be nearly 1.8 times larger to produce the same amount of electrical power considering post combustion carbon dioxide capture and compression than without considering post combustion carbon dioxide capture and compression in the overall system. Thus the non-intended output flows significantly increase. If the necessary data is available for several systems the calculated indicators can be used for the purpose of a benchmarking to compare individual processes of the lignite industry or complete systems from mining to power generation to each other. Then appropriate measures can be derived for the choice of techniques and for operational practice, e.g. to reduce the costs, control emissions or save resources. Furthermore, it is possible to find criteria related to a specific site in order to optimise the operating and follow-up costs of mining or to increase the acceptance of the lignite industry in general.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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Japanische Journalistinnen der Tageszeitungen gelten nicht als "Frau", sondern als "dritte Spezies" und kämpfen gegen die veralteten Vorurteile, die "Ojisan (= alte Knacke auf Japanisch)" haben. Wie sind die Arbeitssituation und -zufriedenheit der japanischen Journalistinnen? Eine Umfrage wurde durchgeführt und analysiert.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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Eine leistungsfähige und flächendeckende Breitbandinfrastruktur bildet die Grundlage einer funktionsfähigen Informationsgesellschaft. Besonders der zukunftssichere, leitungsgebundene Breitbandausbau benötigt hohe Infrastrukturinvestitionen und rückt die Nutzung von Synergien durch unternehmensübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in den Mittelpunkt nationaler Breitbandstrategien. Während die technischen Voraussetzungen für den kooperativen Breitbandausbau weitestgehend geschaffen sind, stellt sich für Telekommunikationsunternehmen zunehmend die Frage, welche Formen der Zusammenarbeit aus strategischer Sicht sinnvoll sind. Der Lehrstuhl für Informations- und Kommunikationsmanagement der Technischen Universität Berlin (TUB) hat in diesem Zusammenhang eine Studie zum kooperativen Breitbandausbau in Deutschland durchgeführt. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Rahmenbedingungen und Potenziale für Kooperationen im deutschen Breitbandmarkt zu identifizieren und zu bewerten. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 33 Unternehmensführer und Kooperationsverantwortliche aus 15 Unternehmen der deutschen Telekommunikationsbranche interviewt.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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Die Klangvorstellung des italienischen Komponisten Giacinto Scelsi fordert die auditive Wahrnehmung des Zuhörers viel stärker heraus als dies bei anderen Komponisten der Fall ist. Das Hören seiner Musik wirft somit die Frage auf, aus welchen Materialien und musikalischen Stilmitteln seine Kompositionen tatsächlich bestehen. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wird diese Arbeit die Partituren ausgewählter Streichquartette Scelsis unter analytischen Aspekten mittels Dekomposition untersuchen. Dies sollte auf keinen Fall dahingehend missverstanden werden, dass eine solche Arbeit den Geist bzw. die Seele eines Werks verstummelt, wie etwa E. Varese klagt –“to explain by means of [analysis] is to decompose, to mutilate the spirit of a work“4 – sondern im Gegenteil: Weil diese Musik so schon klingt, sollte sie unsere Neugierde und den Wunsch wecken, auch hinter ihre Kulissen zu schauen, um ein tieferes Verständnis für seine Musik zu entwickeln. Hilfreich dabei ist, die Ideen und Einfälle sowie die klanglichen Mittel, derer er sich bedient, durch eine fundierte Analyse herauszuarbeiten.
Zwischen 1938 und 1956 schrieb Scelsi zunächst eine kleine Anzahl von Werken für Ensemble – ein Quartett, zwei Trios, fünf Stucke für zwei Instrumente, zwei Zyklen für gemischte Stimmen, zwei für größeres Ensemble – und über 40 Werke für Soloinstrumente. Scelsi betonte immer wieder, dass er kein Komponist sei, sondern Bote, Gefäß, Empfänger einer göttlichen Botschaft. In meditativ vorbereiteten Zustanden der Inspirationmanifestierten sich diese Botschaften in Improvisationen, die auf Tonband aufgenommen und dann von Assistenten auf Partituren übertragen wurden.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
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Das Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung 2012 ist das 20. Jahrbuch, nachdem kurz nach der Wende 1990/91 die erste Ausgabe erschienen war. Zentraler Anlass für die aktuell geleistete Reflexion über Errungenschaften, Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven der Stadterneuerung war das 40jährige Jubiläum des Städtebauförderungsgesetzes, das 1971 eine einzigartige Erfolgsgeschichte der deutschen Stadtpolitik einleitete und bis heute als Besonderes Städtebaurecht in weiterentwickelter Form den rechtlichen Rahmen der Bund-Länder- Städtebauförderung und damit die Stadterneuerung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland maßgeblich bestimmt. Der Band ordnet die Stadterneuerung aufbauend auf Schlüsselwerken der Kritik am modernen Städtebau wie dem 1961 erschienene Buch „Death and Life of Great American Cities“ von Jane Jacobs historisch in die Entwicklung des nachmodernen Städtebaus ein. Er untersucht vor dem Hintergrund der zweifelsfrei anerkannten Leistungen und der Vielzahl von Brüchen, Irrwegen, Experimenten und Umdeutungen der Bestandsentwicklungspolitik, welche gesellschaftlichen Kräfte, Stationen und Leitbilder maßgeblich für die Herausbildung der nachmodernen Stadterneuerung waren, wie die seitdem erzielten Ergebnisse der Stadterneuerung zu bewerten sind und welcher Stellenwert den Leitvorstellungen der Stadtplanung und Stadterneuerung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Tendenzen und Umbrüche zukommt.Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Herausbildung der noch immer gültigen Grundprinzipien einer Bestandspolitik, die Zug um Zug auf weitere Quartierstypen und stadtentwicklungspolitische Herausforderungen angepasst und übertragen wurden. Neben der beziehungsreichen Nachzeichnung und Einordnung des historischen Wandels in der Planungs- und insbesondere Stadterneuerungskultur wird also auch die Wirkungsmächtigkeit nachmoderner Prinzipien wie Nutzungsmischung, Kompaktheit, Blockrandbebauung an Korridorstraßen oder Parzellenstädtebau reflektiert, die sich erst allmählich über die Bestandsentwicklung wieder in Städtebau und Stadtentwicklung durchzusetzen begannen, heute aber – zumindest auf der Leitbildebene – fast unumstritten scheinen.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-30
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