
Wozzeck von Abbado,  Claudio, Berg,  Alban
For their perfection of composition and link with important literary works, the two operas Wozzeck and Lulu – the latter left unfinished at the composer’s death – must rank among the most outstanding music theatre pieces of the 20th century. In April 1914 Alban Berg attended the first Vienna performance of Georg Büchner’s Woyzeck, a drama fragment whose premiere was staged only the year before, in Munich. Berg began composing the opera almost immediately afterwards, finishing it in October 1921 and completing the instrumental score by April 1922. Since then the opera has been frequently performed. Particularly in Vienna, as is clear from this DVD recording, Wozzeck productions have continually set new standards of excellence. The live footage of Adolf Dresen’s 1987 production of Wozzeck was recorded by Brian Large at the Vienna State Opera. The two leading roles were played by Franz Grundhuber as Wozzeck and Hildgard Behrens as Marie. Claudio Abbado conducted the Vienna State Opera choir and orchestra.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *


Wozzeck von Abbado,  Claudio, Berg,  Alban
For their perfection of composition and link with important literary works, the two operas Wozzeck and Lulu – the latter left unfinished at the composer’s death – must rank among the most outstanding music theatre pieces of the 20th century. In April 1914 Alban Berg attended the first Vienna performance of Georg Büchner’s Woyzeck, a drama fragment whose premiere was staged only the year before, in Munich. Berg began composing the opera almost immediately afterwards, finishing it in October 1921 and completing the instrumental score by April 1922. Since then the opera has been frequently performed. Particularly in Vienna, as is clear from this DVD recording, Wozzeck productions have continually set new standards of excellence. The live footage of Adolf Dresen’s 1987 production of Wozzeck was recorded by Brian Large at the Vienna State Opera. The two leading roles were played by Franz Grundhuber as Wozzeck and Hildgard Behrens as Marie. Claudio Abbado conducted the Vienna State Opera choir and orchestra.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *

Sternstunden der Oper: Elektra

Sternstunden der Oper: Elektra von Abbado,  Claudio, Fassbaender,  Brigitte, Kupfer,  Harry, Marton,  Eva, Strauss,  Richard
Diese Musik kann alles: entfesseln, berauschen – und Akteure wie Zuhörer schlichtweg in Ekstase versetzen. Das alte Griechenland, in mythischer Zeit. Bis zu Mord und Totschlag, so weit reicht Elektras Rachefeldzug in dieser grandiosen Oper von Richard Strauss. In der vorliegenden Interpretation des Meisterwerkes ist alles erste Wahl: vom Grandseigneur am Pult Claudio Abbado, über den Altmeister der Regie Harry Kupfer bis zu den Sängerdarstellern Eva Marton und Brigitte Fassbaender. Eine wahre Sternstunde der Oper. Die 'Sternstunden der Oper' werden als 10-teilige DVD Edition in hochwertigen Mediabooks, einzeln und in einer edlen Box veröffentlicht.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-24
> findR *

The Wagner Collection

The Wagner Collection von Abbado,  Claudio, Jordan,  Philippe, Lang-Lessing,  Sebastian, Wagner,  Richard
Richard Wagner’s oeuvre is impressive. Even during his lifetime it was clear that his visions for music theatre were ground-breaking and unique. 2013 sees Wagner’s 200th birthday – an important occasion for Arthaus Musik to recognize and honour him. The catalogue contains three outstanding opera productions which will now be released together in this exclusive “Wagner Collection” DVD Box. Besides the legendary “Lohengrin” from Vienna with Plácido Domingo in the title role, you will find the sensual production of “Tannhäuser” by Nikolaus Lehnhoff from Baden-Baden as well as the recent spectacular and provocative staging of “Rienzi” at the Deutsche Oper Berlin.
Aktualisiert: 2020-02-13
> findR *

150 Years Wiener Staatsoper

150 Years Wiener Staatsoper von Abbado,  Claudio, Carreras,  José, Domingo,  Placido, Marton,  Eva, Muti,  Riccardo, Studer,  Cheryl, Thielemann,  Christian, von Karajan,  Herbert, Zeffirelli,  Franco
150 Jahre Wiener Staatsoper, das sind 150 Jahre beeindruckendes Operngeschehen mit den größten Dirigenten aller Zeiten, erstklassigen Stars der Opernszene und dem einzigartigen Wiener Staatsopernorchester. Die einmalige Edition, die anlässlich des 150-jährigen Bestehens der Wiener Staatsoper entstanden ist, vereint acht Opern mit weltbekannten Sängern wie Plácido Domino, Cheryl Studer, Eva Marton oder José Carreras und großartigen Maestros am Pult wie Herbert von Karajan, Riccardo Muti, Claudio Abbado or Christian Thielemann in einer schillernden Box. Die Inszenierungen stammen von namhaften Regisseuren wie dem berühmten Franco Zeffirelli oder auch Herbert von Karajan. Ein „come together“ der Größen der Musikszene. Erleben Sie vier Jahrzehnte Operngeschichte aus dem Hause der Wiener Staatsoper auf 11 DVDs.
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-27
> findR *


Elektra von Abbado,  Claudio, Strauss,  Richard
This Vienna State Opera production of Strauss’s opera of revenge, torment, violence and horror, is directed by Harry Kupfer as a tale of tyranny and bloodshed. His bold and terrifying concept is reiterated in Hans Schavernoch’s cavernous decor. He opens with an abattoir, the five maids piling dripping chunks of carcasses into borrows, and closes with a more human slaughterhouse as Orestes raises his bloody hands to heaven. Conducting his first Strauss opera, Claudio Abbado wrings a harrowing performance from the peerless Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The music is infused with an eeriness and neurosis that heightens the emotions on stage. In the title role, Eva Marton gives an uninhibited and exultant performance, matched by that of Brigitte Fassbaender as her mother, Klytemnestra, murderer and widow of Agamemnon. Bejewelled from head to foot and consumed by the flames of guilt-ridden insanity, Fassbaender sings as if truly possessed. The more lyrical role of Chrysothemis is sung by Cheryl Studer, with a ragged and single-minded Orestes played by Franz Grundheber.
Aktualisiert: 2020-07-01
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Wozzeck von Abbado,  Claudio, Berg,  Alban
For their perfection of composition and link with important literary works, the two operas Wozzeck and Lulu – the latter left unfinished at the composer’s death – must rank among the most outstanding music theatre pieces of the 20th century. In April 1914 Alban Berg attended the first Vienna performance of Georg Büchner’s Woyzeck, a drama fragment whose premiere was staged only the year before, in Munich. Berg began composing the opera almost immediately afterwards, finishing it in October 1921 and completing the instrumental score by April 1922. Since then the opera has been frequently performed. Particularly in Vienna, as is clear from this DVD recording, Wozzeck productions have continually set new standards of excellence. The live footage of Adolf Dresen’s 1987 production of Wozzeck was recorded by Brian Large at the Vienna State Opera. The two leading roles were played by Franz Grundhuber as Wozzeck and Hildgard Behrens as Marie. Claudio Abbado conducted the Vienna State Opera choir and orchestra.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-15
> findR *


Wozzeck von Abbado,  Claudio, Berg,  Alban
For their perfection of composition and link with important literary works, the two operas Wozzeck and Lulu – the latter left unfinished at the composer’s death – must rank among the most outstanding music theatre pieces of the 20th century. In April 1914 Alban Berg attended the first Vienna performance of Georg Büchner’s Woyzeck, a drama fragment whose premiere was staged only the year before, in Munich. Berg began composing the opera almost immediately afterwards, finishing it in October 1921 and completing the instrumental score by April 1922. Since then the opera has been frequently performed. Particularly in Vienna, as is clear from this DVD recording, Wozzeck productions have continually set new standards of excellence. The live footage of Adolf Dresen’s 1987 production of Wozzeck was recorded by Brian Large at the Vienna State Opera. The two leading roles were played by Franz Grundhuber as Wozzeck and Hildgard Behrens as Marie. Claudio Abbado conducted the Vienna State Opera choir and orchestra.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-15
> findR *

Musik über Berlin

Musik über Berlin von Abbado,  Claudio, Bramani,  Lidia, Dünneisen,  Agnes, Leyn,  Urs van der
Unmittelbar nach Claudio Abbados Antritt in Berlin fällt die Mauer und er fasst den Plan, ein kulturelles Netz zu knüfen, das sich in ständiger Entwicklung befindet. »Schon immer, und heute mehr denn je, war Berlin ein Sammelbecken verschiedenster Sprachen, Ethnien und Gepflogenheiten, es ist ein Modell dafür, wie Europa sein könnte, falls es uns gelingt die nationalistischen oder sogar regionalistischen Tendenzen zu überwinden«, formuliert die Italienerin Lidia Bramani, die das lange Gespräch mit Abbado führte und viele Episoden, künstlerische Konzepte und ästhetische Positionen festgehalten hat. »Epikur«, sagt Claudio Abbado, und wendet sich im Rahmen seiner Ausführungen öfters auch grundlegend Kulturpolitischem zu, »hat die Ansicht vertreten, dass Vergnügen und Vernunft, getrennt betrachtet, gleichermaßen fruchtlos seien. In diesem Sinn hat die Kunst der Politik noch viel mitzuteilen.«
Aktualisiert: 2020-05-18
> findR *

Bücher von Abbado, Claudio

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