The edition at hand forms the third volume of the series Preliminary Works to a Codex Diplomaticus of the Patriarchy of Aquileia. So it completes the already existing chartularies of monasteries in Friuli until the middle of the 13th century. Parts of the edited texts have been totally unknown to the researchers (e. g. some villages of western Slovenia appear here for the first time). Other documents are now first published in a full-text edition, others are now available in an edition based on much better manuscript sources than before. Even for the so-called “Chronicle of Ossalco” a different genesis can be presented now, and consequently a new interpretation. A ‘side-product’ was the possibility to fix the greatly disputed locating of the monastic hospital of S. Egidio. In addition to the documents and to some complementary sources there is also a register of donations to the monastery of Rosazzo, which was written in the 1340s. This is well known, but only shortly this register has completely been interpreted anew and consequently there have been important changes of chronological data and some new identifications of donators. That is why the book contains also a new edition of that register together with a detailed comment. The most significant aspect of the edition at hand is the fact that documentary texts go alongside with the new edition of the necrology of Rosazzo. The connection between the texts of the donation-list and the data of the necrology is indeed uncommonly close. The necrology was first edited by Vincenzo Joppi in 1900 and it seemed high time to be re-published anyway. Now the new edition of the necrology, commented in great detail, forms the ideal completion of the Rosazzo sources in the period from the 11th to the 13th century. It is self-evident that not only the names of places and persons in the texts have been indexed and identified, but also the peculiarities of the legal phraseology of the Middle Ages are listed up.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
The edition at hand forms the third volume of the series Preliminary Works to a Codex Diplomaticus of the Patriarchy of Aquileia. So it completes the already existing chartularies of monasteries in Friuli until the middle of the 13th century. Parts of the edited texts have been totally unknown to the researchers (e. g. some villages of western Slovenia appear here for the first time). Other documents are now first published in a full-text edition, others are now available in an edition based on much better manuscript sources than before. Even for the so-called “Chronicle of Ossalco” a different genesis can be presented now, and consequently a new interpretation. A ‘side-product’ was the possibility to fix the greatly disputed locating of the monastic hospital of S. Egidio. In addition to the documents and to some complementary sources there is also a register of donations to the monastery of Rosazzo, which was written in the 1340s. This is well known, but only shortly this register has completely been interpreted anew and consequently there have been important changes of chronological data and some new identifications of donators. That is why the book contains also a new edition of that register together with a detailed comment. The most significant aspect of the edition at hand is the fact that documentary texts go alongside with the new edition of the necrology of Rosazzo. The connection between the texts of the donation-list and the data of the necrology is indeed uncommonly close. The necrology was first edited by Vincenzo Joppi in 1900 and it seemed high time to be re-published anyway. Now the new edition of the necrology, commented in great detail, forms the ideal completion of the Rosazzo sources in the period from the 11th to the 13th century. It is self-evident that not only the names of places and persons in the texts have been indexed and identified, but also the peculiarities of the legal phraseology of the Middle Ages are listed up.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
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