Im Hauptwerk dieses vorletzten Bandes der Werke-Reihe, der ›Anweisung zum seeligen Leben‹, geht Fichte in einem mutigen Schritt als erster bedeutender Philosoph seit Hermann Samuel Reimarus daran, die Religion und den Gedanken der Inkarnation des Absoluten vom prinzipiellen Standpunkt aus zu untersuchen. Dabei kommt er zu einem ganz anderen Resultat als z.B. Franz Volkmar Reinhard oder nachher Hegel. Polemisch wendet sich Fichte gegen die Jesus-Auffassungen Schleiermachers, Jacobis und Schellings. Diese zeitgenössischen Beziehungen wie auch deren Reflexion in der unmittelbaren Rezeption werden im ausführlichen Vorwort und in den sachlichen Nachweisen dargestellt. Der Band enthält ferner den Machiavelli-Aufsatz von 1807 sowie eine Dante-Übersetzung Fichtes.
The principle work contained in this, the penultimate volume of Part One, is the ›Anweisung zum seelingen Leben‹, a work in which Fichte takes a daring step and becomes the first important philosopher since Hermann Samuel Reimarus to investigate religion and the thought of the incarnation of the absolute from the standpoint of philosophical principles. In doing this, he arrives at a very different conclusion from that arrived at by, e.g., Franz Volkmar Reinhard or, subsequently, Hegel. He here stakes out a polemical position in opposition to the conceptions of Jesus presented by Schleiermacher, Jacobi, and Schelling. These contemporary references, as well as the manner in which they were reflected in the contemporary reception of Fichte's work, are explicated in detail in the forward to this volume. This volume also includes Fichte's treatise on Machiavelli (1807), as well as a translation of his from Dante.
Aktualisiert: 2020-09-03
> findR *
Die Zuteilung einer Professur für Philosophie an der Universität Erlangen hatte die Ausarbeitung von Vorlesungen für das Sommersemester 1805 zur Folge, von denen die ›Institutiones omnis philosophiae‹ analog zu den Jenenser Vorlesungen über Logik und Metaphysik als Hinführung zur ›Wissenschaftslehre‹ konzipiert sind. Von besonderem Interesse sind darin die Ausarbeitungen zur formalen und höheren (methodologischen) Logik. Für philosophisch Fortgeschrittene las Fichte ›Wissenschaftslehre‹; diese Ausarbeitung wollte er als die vierte und abschließende, vom Winter 1804 an zählend, verstanden wissen. In dieser ›Wissenschaftslehre‹ stellt Fichte die Transzendentallehre Schritt für Schritt in Auseinandersetzung mit Schellings Position in ›Philosophie und Religion‹ (1804) und als Überwindung der spekulativen Metaphysik dar.
Following his appointment to a professorship in philosophy at the University of Erlangen, Fichte had to prepare lectures for the summer semester of 1805, including the ›Institutiones omnis philosophiae‹, which, like the Jena lectures on Logic and Metaphysic, were conceived as an introduction to the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹. Particularly interesting is the portion of this text devoted to elaborations of formal and higher (methodological) logic. For more advanced students, Fichte lectured on the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹. He wished this version to be understood as the fourth successive version of the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹, counting from the winter of 1804. In this ›Wissenschaftslehre‹ Fichte presented his transcendental theory step by step, in a ongoing dialog with Schelling's ›Philosophie und Religion‹ (1804), as the overcoming of speculative metaphysics.
Aktualisiert: 2020-09-03
> findR *
Neben einigen Gedichten Fichtes aus den Jahren 1801/02 und 1805, einer Erklärung gegen den Buchhändler Gabler und Ankündigungen zu den Vorlesungen aus Berliner Zeitungen (1804–06) enthält dieser Band mit der Schrift ›Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten‹ (1806) die allgemein-propädeutische Einleitung zu Fichtes Lehrtätigkeit in Erlangen (Mai-September 1805). Hauptwerk des Bandes sind ›Die Grundzüge des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters‹, Fichtes erste Schrift zur Geschichtsphilosophie, der er sich in den Jahren 1804–1808 mit großer Intensität zuwandte. Dieses Werk wurde im Winter 1804/05 als »philosophische Charakteristik des Zeitalters« in Berlin öffentlich vorgetragen. Der Anhang bietet nach dem Abdruck von 1802 in den ›Eleusinien des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts‹ Fichtes Berliner Logen-Vorträge (1799/1800) unter dem Titel ›Philosophie der Maurerei. Briefe an Konstant‹ Fichtes Konzeption der Freimaurerei.
In addition to some of Fichte's most successful poems (from the ›Musenalmanachen‹ of 1801/02 and 1805), a public declaration against the publisher Gabler concerning the controversy over the second edition of the ›Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre‹ (1802), and announcements of lectures that appeared in Berlin newspapers (1804-06), this volume also contains ›Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten und seine Erscheinungen im Gebiete der Freiheit‹ (published in 1806), a text intended as a propaedeutic general introduction to all of the writings Fichte prepared in conjunction with his activities as a teacher in Erlangen (May-September 1805). (The latter texts are published in Series II, Volume 9.) – But the major work contained in this volume is ›Die Grundzüge des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters‹ which represents Fichte's first foray into the philosophy of history, which he worked on intensively in the years 1804–1808. This text is the published version of the public lectures he held in Berlin in the winter semester of 1804/05 and which he described as a »philosophical characterization of the age«.
The appendix (which follows the text published in 1802 in ›Eleusinien des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts‹) contains ›Philosophie der Mauererei. Briefe an Konstant‹, which is based upon Fichte's lectures to the Berlin Lodge in October 1799 and April/May 1800. In this text Fichte articulates his own view of what Freemasonry should be.
Aktualisiert: 2020-09-03
> findR *
In addition to some of Fichte's most successful poems (from the ›Musenalmanachen‹ of 1801/02 and 1805), a public declaration against the publisher Gabler concerning the controversy over the second edition of the ›Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre‹ (1802), and announcements of lectures that appeared in Berlin newspapers (1804-06), this volume also contains ›Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten und seine Erscheinungen im Gebiete der Freiheit‹ (published in 1806), a text intended as a propaedeutic general introduction to all of the writings Fichte prepared in conjunction with his activities as a teacher in Erlangen (May-September 1805). (The latter texts are published in Series II, Volume 9.) – But the major work contained in this volume is ›Die Grundzüge des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters‹ which represents Fichte's first foray into the philosophy of history, which he worked on intensively in the years 1804–1808. This text is the published version of the public lectures he held in Berlin in the winter semester of 1804/05 and which he described as a »philosophical characterization of the age«.
The appendix (which follows the text published in 1802 in ›Eleusinien des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts‹) contains ›Philosophie der Mauererei. Briefe an Konstant‹, which is based upon Fichte's lectures to the Berlin Lodge in October 1799 and April/May 1800. In this text Fichte articulates his own view of what Freemasonry should be.
Aktualisiert: 2020-04-21
> findR *
The principle work contained in this, the penultimate volume of Part One, is the ›Anweisung zum seelingen Leben‹, a work in which Fichte takes a daring step and becomes the first important philosopher since Hermann Samuel Reimarus to investigate religion and the thought of the incarnation of the absolute from the standpoint of philosophical principles. In doing this, he arrives at a very different conclusion from that arrived at by, e.g., Franz Volkmar Reinhard or, subsequently, Hegel. He here stakes out a polemical position in opposition to the conceptions of Jesus presented by Schleiermacher, Jacobi, and Schelling. These contemporary references, as well as the manner in which they were reflected in the contemporary reception of Fichte's work, are explicated in detail in the forward to this volume. This volume also includes Fichte's treatise on Machiavelli (1807), as well as a translation of his from Dante.
Aktualisiert: 2020-04-21
> findR *
Following his appointment to a professorship in philosophy at the University of Erlangen, Fichte had to prepare lectures for the summer semester of 1805, including the ›Institutiones omnis philosophiae‹, which, like the Jena lectures on Logic and Metaphysic, were conceived as an introduction to the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹. Particularly interesting is the portion of this text devoted to elaborations of formal and higher (methodological) logic. For more advanced students, Fichte lectured on the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹. He wished this version to be understood as the fourth successive version of the ›Wissenschaftslehre‹, counting from the winter of 1804. In this ›Wissenschaftslehre‹ Fichte presented his transcendental theory step by step, in a ongoing dialog with Schelling's ›Philosophie und Religion‹ (1804), as the overcoming of speculative metaphysics.
Aktualisiert: 2020-04-22
> findR *
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