This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Die Wirtschaftspolitiken der Systemtransformation in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern weisen grundlegende Defizite auf, die eine positivere Wirtschaftsentwicklung verhindern. Der Autor deckt diese Defizite auf und entwickelt Vorschläge für eine konsistentere Transformationsstrategie.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
This new textbook for B.A. courses provides a rapid overview of decision-making conditions in international management - in a deliberately concise form and fully focused on explaining both study-relevant and practical economic matters for the reader. The first part initially presents the theoretical foundations of international business activity. The second section analyses the economic, political and cultural frameworks for international business, and in the third part decision-making options for international companies are presented in a function-related way. The book's special approach lies in the way it integrates business and economic content into economic arguments in the spirit of 'business economics' and an 'economics of strategy'. Tips for solving the exercises are included under 'additional material'. Lecturers are able to download additional materials from a password-protected web site.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Die Wirtschaftspolitiken der Systemtransformation in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern weisen grundlegende Defizite auf, die eine positivere Wirtschaftsentwicklung verhindern. Der Autor deckt diese Defizite auf und entwickelt Vorschläge für eine konsistentere Transformationsstrategie.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Die in diesem Band enthaltenen sieben Schriften stellen einen Beitrag zum Know-how Transfer des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Düsseldorf in die Unternehmenspraxis dar. Sie dokumentieren Projekte angewandter Forschung und liefern Antworten auf aktuelle Fragestellungen des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Diskurses, umsetzungsorientiert und methodisch auf hohem Niveau:
- Kosten- und Leistungsstrukturen ausgewählter Betriebstypen des Lebensmittel-Ladeneinzelhandels in Deutschland im Vergleich
- Ein Analyseraster zur Bestimmung langfristiger Wechselkursrisiken von Unternehmen – Dargestellt am Beispiel der US-Dollar-Abwertung
- Compliance der Compliance – Elektronische Analyseverfahren personenbezogener Daten zur Prävention und Aufdeckung geschäftsschädigender Handlungen in Unternehmen – Diskurs aus Anlass des sogenannten ‚Datenskandals‘ der Deutschen Bahn AG
- Nutzung und Wirkung von Video-Content in Online-Jobbörsen – Erkenntnisse einer explorativen Studie
- Hybride markenfokussierte Distributionssysteme von vertikal aufgestellten Markenanbietern in Non-Food-Konsumgüterbranchen
- Die europäische Flexicurity-Strategie – Ein Überblick zu wichtigen Vor- und Nachteilen
- Angebot und Nutzung von Videos in Online-Shops – Ein Forschungsprogramm zur multimedialen Bewegtbildkommunikation im Electronic Commerce
Aktualisiert: 2019-10-03
> findR *
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