Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Autor: Carolin Braun
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
Synthese und Anwendung planar-chiraler [2.2]Paracyclophanliganden mit N-Donorfunktionen und deren Übergangsmetallkomplexe zur Synthese substituierter Amine
Seit der Entdeckung des [2.2]Paracyclophans durch Brown und Farthing 1949 wurden diese besonderen Kohlenwasserstoffe vielfach erfolgreich für Anwendungen in der asymmetrischen Synthese eingesetzt. Dennoch erschweren bis heute die strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften des [2.2]Pa..weiterlesen
Handbuch Jugend
Young people face various biological, psychological and social changes - during a phase of life in which major decisions affecting their future lives and careers are being made. This book presents the current state of research on young adulthood in a comprehensible way and explains the developments that take place during this formative period of life. The book is divided into five major topics, which provide a comprehensive overview of the major aspects involved that have been discussed academically. Initially, there is a glance at the biological foundations, followed by a discussion of the influence of social environments (family, friends and school) and of the media. The third part is concerned with important goals in young people=s development: forming an identity, developing moral ideas and learning basic competences (choosing a profession). The last two sections discuss social topics such as migration, political socialization and important developmental problems (including eating disturbances, ADHS, substance abuse), as well as options for prevention and approaches to intervention.
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