The volume contains four papers. H. Drescher deals with excavation results from Breite Straße 26 in 1983 related to a 13th-century metal workshop for casting pipkins, bells, and tin as well as smithing copper and iron. Features were scarce, but finds very rich and comprising moulds, funnels, lids, evidence for up to 300 pipkins, altar candlesticks, small bells, a lion-shaped jug, and incense burners. This is followed by ovens, hearths, slags, crucibles, ingots, raw material, roughouts and misruns [e. g. buckles], casting headers and waste, wire and sheet metal scraps, and finds made of tin, lead, cast iron, steel etc. On this basis, questions of shaping and casting technique and the scale of production are answered. Next, there are comparisons with other foundries in Lübeck, Rostock, Magdeburg, Odense, Visby, and Uppsala. Metal analyses, historical crafts codes, and early encyclopaedias provide additional information. Three articles by U. Drenkhahn discuss pottery from tradesmen’s and craftsmen’s quarters in Lübeck, the “rote Irdenware” [red unglazed ware] of the 12th/13th centry, and first local glazed wares. They connect to his pottery chronology of LSAK 29 and clarify the results obtained there.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-17
> findR *
The volume contains four papers. H. Drescher deals with excavation results from Breite Straße 26 in 1983 related to a 13th-century metal workshop for casting pipkins, bells, and tin as well as smithing copper and iron. Features were scarce, but finds very rich and comprising moulds, funnels, lids, evidence for up to 300 pipkins, altar candlesticks, small bells, a lion-shaped jug, and incense burners. This is followed by ovens, hearths, slags, crucibles, ingots, raw material, roughouts and misruns [e. g. buckles], casting headers and waste, wire and sheet metal scraps, and finds made of tin, lead, cast iron, steel etc. On this basis, questions of shaping and casting technique and the scale of production are answered. Next, there are comparisons with other foundries in Lübeck, Rostock, Magdeburg, Odense, Visby, and Uppsala. Metal analyses, historical crafts codes, and early encyclopaedias provide additional information. Three articles by U. Drenkhahn discuss pottery from tradesmen’s and craftsmen’s quarters in Lübeck, the “rote Irdenware” [red unglazed ware] of the 12th/13th centry, and first local glazed wares. They connect to his pottery chronology of LSAK 29 and clarify the results obtained there.
Aktualisiert: 2017-08-23
> findR *
After the publication of the timber periods I-IV [ca. 1143-1200, cf. LSAK 27] and the brick periods V-VIII [13th-20th century, cf. LSAK 28] the 185,000 pottery sherds of the 12th to 16th century are now published. Thus only the glass finds and the second large-scale excavation until 2014 remain to be published. For the pottery, the largest complex of its period in the whole of Germany if not Europe, a special path has been taken in the face of the enormous quantity, good stratification, and close dendro-dating, which involved focussing on stratigraphically closed find complexes instead of individual sherds and statistically analysing the chronology of ware types, functional types, and shapes. Old-fashioned globular pots and Slavic pottery [12th century] were followed by an explosive multiplication of functional types and shapes around A.D. 1200. By the late 13th century stonewares emerged, while the 15th century saw the second substantial change, this time towards Early Modern red earthenwares. For middle-class people imported pottery often acted as a substitute for vessels of precious metals and glass used by the upper classes. Further research will be desirable for technical problems, faiences, or porcelain.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-18
> findR *
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