Nicodemus Frischlin: Sämtliche Werke / Band III,2: Phasma

Nicodemus Frischlin: Sämtliche Werke / Band III,2: Phasma von Frischlin,  Nicodemus, Price,  David, Wels,  Volkhard, Wetzels,  Walter D.
‹Phasma‹ (1580) is one of the earliest dramatizations of the Reformation. Frischlin looks at the fragmentation of the Reformation movement from the perspective of the growing confessionalization of the Lutheran church in the second half of the 16th century. It is the volatile polemic which makes ‹Phasma‹ Frischlin‹s most controversial and also most influential play. The plot traces the explosive reactions to Luther shown by Karlstadt, Münzer, Zwingli, the Anabaptists and Schwenckfeld. One of the play‹s attractions is the animated and historically perceptive depictions of the main figures of the Reformation. As in his other socially conscious dramas, Frischlin examines the crises of that time from the perspective of the common people here as well.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Nicodemus Frischlin: Sämtliche Werke / Band III,1: Priscianus vapulans (Der geschlagene Priscian); Iulius redivivus (Julius Caesars Rückkehr ins Erdenleben)

Nicodemus Frischlin: Sämtliche Werke / Band III,1: Priscianus vapulans (Der geschlagene Priscian); Iulius redivivus (Julius Caesars Rückkehr ins Erdenleben) von Frischlin,  Nicodemus, Jungck,  Christoph, Mundt,  Lothar
‹Priscianus‹ und ‹Iulius‹ are Frischlin‹s two most well-known dramas. This is the first publication in a modern German translation. The appendixes contain the dedications, the prefaces and the afterwords from all of the editions published during Frischlin‹s lifetime, also with a German translation. In his work »Priscianus» (first published in Strasbourg in 1580) Frischlin went back to the early years of humanism. In the course of the play Priscianus, the old Latin grammarian,the embodiment of classical Latinity, meets members of all four faculties who almost torture him to death with their technical jargon. In the end, Erasmus and Melanchthon appear as representatives of humanism and cure the mistreated old man of his sufferings by using drastic measures. Praise of the standard which had been reached in imitating ancient Latinity is also a main subject in ‹Iulius‹ (first published in Strasbourg in 1580). Caesar and Cicero, risen from the underworld, admire the splendor of the large German cities, the art of war made possible by the German invention of gunpowder and the high level of literary education as well as the art of printing, also invented in Germany and useful as a magnificent medium for propagating these.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Nicodemus Frischlin: Sämtliche Werke / Band III,3: Kommentar zu ›Priscianus vapulans‹ (Der geschlagene Priscian) und ›Iulius redivivus‹ (Julius Caesars Rückkehr ins Erdenleben)

Nicodemus Frischlin: Sämtliche Werke / Band III,3: Kommentar zu ›Priscianus vapulans‹ (Der geschlagene Priscian) und ›Iulius redivivus‹ (Julius Caesars Rückkehr ins Erdenleben) von Frischlin,  Nicodemus, Jungck,  Christoph, Mundt,  Lothar, Roloff,  Hans-Gert, Schmidt-Biggemann,  Wilhelm, Westermann,  Harm Peter
The introductory parts of this commentary contain information on the history of the origins and the performances, on questions of metrics and on history of the material and the subjects which were the sources for the works. This is followed by line by line commentaries with explanations pertaining to the language, subject matter and persons and with verification of the other texts which Frischlin adapted in both comedies. This last point refers to the quotes taken from academic texts from all the faculties which were incorporated into the dialogues in the satire ›Priscianus vapulans‹, which from the viewpoint of late humanism were exposed to ridicule due to their barbaric linguistic form. In ›Iulius redivivus‹, Frischlin puts mainly quotes from their own works in the mouths of Caesar as well as Cicero, both of whom had come from the underworld to visit the Germania of the 16th century. These are accounted for individually with reference to the specifical historical contexts from which they originated.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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