Rullstorf V

Rullstorf V von Gebers,  Wilhelm
Building on previous presentations of the archaeological material [publications Rullstorf I–IV], volume V centres on the analysis of the pottery, based on the detailed recording of finds in a database. Characteristics and criteria are presented and explained, and their frequency in the material from Rullstorf is depicted. The frequency of these characteristics within different ceramic types is summarised in numerous easy-to-read graphs, and date ranges for the various shapes are provided. In a next step, those finds assemblages considered as reliable are used to date the site’s features. Features belonging to different chronological periods are then mapped, clearly showing the boundaries of different settlement episodes from the Late Bronze Age to the Migration Period. Within these chronological subdivisions, numerous burning events have had a decisive influence on the interruption and/or resettlement of the site. Alongside the visual representations, a large number of tables compare the presence and the changing frequencies of ceramic characteristics from the Late Bronze Age to the Migration Period. This facilitates the reliable dating of pottery from the Late Bronze Age to the Roman Iron Age in the Lower Elbe region.
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-04
> findR *

Rullstorf IV

Rullstorf IV von Avraam,  Georgios, Caselitz,  Peter, Gebers,  Wilhelm, Lehmann,  Robert
The Kronsberg Hill near Rullstorf, distr. Lüneburg, forms a settlement area of some 24 ha. Thanks to thick layers of blown sand, it offered extraordinary preservation conditions for settlements, graves, ritual buildings, and activity zones from the Stone Ages to Early Medieval times and was excavated in the past 30 years ahead of sand and gravel mining. After the evidence from the large find area 5 [MAN 25, 44, 48] this 4th volume presents the finds and features of an Urnfield cemetery on the SW-slope at site 8 [BA per. IV]. It formed an entity with a contemporaneous settlement some 300 m to the east, which perished in a conflagration. The completely excavated cemetery comprised some 118 graves [48 children, 37 adults, 23 ?, ca. 10 destroyed] with pottery urns protected by a stone encasement. Only 29 graves, mostly in the centre, contained grave goods such as pins, bracelets, razors, small spear heads, awls etc. which represent 3 to 4 generations. Nearby there were also stone pavements, erratic blocks, and hearths. Two natural scientific papers analyse origin and casting technique of the bronze objects [Lehmann / Avraam] and cremated remains as to sex and age at death [Caselitz].
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-17
> findR *

Rullstorf III

Rullstorf III von Gebers,  Wilhelm
The marked elevation of Kronsberg Hill near Rullstorf, distr. Lüneburg, above the Elbe Valley near Scharnebeck was excavated on a surface of nearly 8 ha during three decades ahead of sand and gravel extraction. Another 6 ha have been declared archaeological monument. Apart from the sheer size of the three find sites 5, 8, and 9, the site is unique because of its almost “Pompeian” preservation of features with enormous numbers of small finds thanks to thick layers of wind-blown sand. The evidence reaches from a Mesolithic campsite via Neolithic longhouses, settlements and cemeteries of the Bronze and Iron Ages, a Langobardic settlement, a Late Saxon cemetery [= IA 14] down to remarkable remains of pre- and protohistoric iron smelting and sunken-featured buildings of Early Medieval times. The third volume on the find material from Rullstorf [after MAN 25 and 44] deals with the finds without a documentable context which were collected in each of the 470 quadrants of the excavation surface, amongst them pottery, flint and rock implements, metal and glass objects, tiles/bricks, slags, bone, charcoal, daub etc.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-17
> findR *

Rullstorf II

Rullstorf II von Gebers,  Wilhelm
Die markante Geländeerhöhung des Kronsberges bei Rullstorf, Lkr. Lüneburg, über der Elbtalniederung bei Scharnebeck mußte über drei Jahrzehnte auf fast 8 ha Fläche wegen Sandabbau und Kiesabbau untersucht werden, weitere 6 ha bilden heute ein Bodendenkmal. Abgesehen von der Größe der drei Fundstellen 5, 8 und 9 ist die fast “pompejanische” Befunderhaltung mit ungewöhnlich großen Fundmengen infolge mächtiger Sandüberwehungen einzigartig. Die Befunde reichen von einem mesolithischen Rastplatz über neolithische Langhäuser mit erhaltenen Laufhorizonten, Siedlungen und Gräberfelder der Bronzezeit und Eisenzeit, eine kaiserzeitliche langobardische Siedlung, ein reiches spätsächsisches Gräberfeld mit Verbrennungsplätzen und Bestattungsplätzen, Kultbauten und Tierbestattungen bis zu bemerkenswerten Relikten vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Eisenverhüttung und einer ganzen Zeile von Grubenhäusern des Frühmittelalters. Die Bände Rullstorf I-III stellen Kleinfundvorlagen dar, wobei Stellenfunde [= Funde mit Befund, Band II] und Quadrantenfunde [Band III] getrennt wurden. Bände IV-V werden sich mit der Befundauswertung befassen.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-17
> findR *

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