Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing von Diller,  Hermann, Geiger,  Ingmar, Kirchgeorg,  Manfred, Kleinaltenkamp,  Michael, Weiber,  Rolf
In the developed economies, services have now risen to paramount importance. This change has overwhelmingly taken place in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. B2B marketing therefore to a large extent also involves services marketing, and vice versa. To do justice to these developments, this textbook follows the ?business and services marketing= (BSM) approach, which integrates the two fields and for which it provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge. To begin with, the most important customer activities and processes are presented, and the special features of the marketing of service packages are then explained. In addition, four types of BSM business (spot, commodity, project, and joint business) are distinguished and the marketing characteristics of each of these business types are discussed. Current developments in digitalization and their implications for BSM are also taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing von Diller,  Hermann, Geiger,  Ingmar, Kirchgeorg,  Manfred, Kleinaltenkamp,  Michael, Weiber,  Rolf
In the developed economies, services have now risen to paramount importance. This change has overwhelmingly taken place in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. B2B marketing therefore to a large extent also involves services marketing, and vice versa. To do justice to these developments, this textbook follows the ?business and services marketing= (BSM) approach, which integrates the two fields and for which it provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge. To begin with, the most important customer activities and processes are presented, and the special features of the marketing of service packages are then explained. In addition, four types of BSM business (spot, commodity, project, and joint business) are distinguished and the marketing characteristics of each of these business types are discussed. Current developments in digitalization and their implications for BSM are also taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing von Diller,  Hermann, Geiger,  Ingmar, Kirchgeorg,  Manfred, Kleinaltenkamp,  Michael, Weiber,  Rolf
In the developed economies, services have now risen to paramount importance. This change has overwhelmingly taken place in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. B2B marketing therefore to a large extent also involves services marketing, and vice versa. To do justice to these developments, this textbook follows the ?business and services marketing= (BSM) approach, which integrates the two fields and for which it provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge. To begin with, the most important customer activities and processes are presented, and the special features of the marketing of service packages are then explained. In addition, four types of BSM business (spot, commodity, project, and joint business) are distinguished and the marketing characteristics of each of these business types are discussed. Current developments in digitalization and their implications for BSM are also taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing von Diller,  Hermann, Geiger,  Ingmar, Kirchgeorg,  Manfred, Kleinaltenkamp,  Michael, Weiber,  Rolf
In the developed economies, services have now risen to paramount importance. This change has overwhelmingly taken place in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. B2B marketing therefore to a large extent also involves services marketing, and vice versa. To do justice to these developments, this textbook follows the ?business and services marketing= (BSM) approach, which integrates the two fields and for which it provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge. To begin with, the most important customer activities and processes are presented, and the special features of the marketing of service packages are then explained. In addition, four types of BSM business (spot, commodity, project, and joint business) are distinguished and the marketing characteristics of each of these business types are discussed. Current developments in digitalization and their implications for BSM are also taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing

Business- und Dienstleistungsmarketing von Diller,  Hermann, Geiger,  Ingmar, Kirchgeorg,  Manfred, Kleinaltenkamp,  Michael, Weiber,  Rolf
In the developed economies, services have now risen to paramount importance. This change has overwhelmingly taken place in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. B2B marketing therefore to a large extent also involves services marketing, and vice versa. To do justice to these developments, this textbook follows the ?business and services marketing= (BSM) approach, which integrates the two fields and for which it provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge. To begin with, the most important customer activities and processes are presented, and the special features of the marketing of service packages are then explained. In addition, four types of BSM business (spot, commodity, project, and joint business) are distinguished and the marketing characteristics of each of these business types are discussed. Current developments in digitalization and their implications for BSM are also taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Industrielle Verhandlungen

Industrielle Verhandlungen von Backhaus,  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus, Geiger,  Ingmar
Ingmar Geiger präsentiert ein Totalmodell, das sich mit der Wirkung von Verhandlungsmacht auf die Verhandlungsinteraktion und -ergebnisse in Einzeltransaktion und Geschäftsbeziehung auseinandersetzt. Die so generierten Hypothesen werden in einem sehr aufwändigen experimentell-empirischen Verfahren überprüft und können größtenteils bestätigt werden.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *

Industrielle Verhandlungen

Industrielle Verhandlungen von Backhaus,  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus, Geiger,  Ingmar
Ingmar Geiger präsentiert ein Totalmodell, das sich mit der Wirkung von Verhandlungsmacht auf die Verhandlungsinteraktion und -ergebnisse in Einzeltransaktion und Geschäftsbeziehung auseinandersetzt. Die so generierten Hypothesen werden in einem sehr aufwändigen experimentell-empirischen Verfahren überprüft und können größtenteils bestätigt werden.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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