Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte von Dehnert,  Gunter, Griffin,  Roger, Kiesewetter,  Hubert, Lobkowicz,  Nikolaus, Luks,  Leonid, Prinz,  Sebastian, Rybakow,  Alexei, Tsoi,  Martina, Umland,  Andreas
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism’s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a different ideal type of fascism, some of whom express deep scepticism about the very existence of an area of convergence on the centrality to fascism of an ultra-nationalist myth of rebirth. The most cited version of the consensus applied by academics who are sympathetic to it is the highly synthetic formula that I used to encapsulate my own ideal type: ‘Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism … The totalitarian movements represented by the PNF and the NSDAP and the totalitarian regimes that they underpinned became the role model for all revolutionary nationalists in the inter-war period and synonymous with totalitarian, mass-based revolutionary nationalism itself. This became known as ‘fascism’ after the first such movement to achieve power, namely Mussolini’s fascismo. However, it was only in Italy and Germany that the structural crisis of liberal society was profound enough to generate a genuinely charismatic form of populist politics, one which was not confined to the hard core of movement activists, but involved the particular type of consensus generated by a ‘palingenetic political community’, thereby creating the basis for a fascist regime. (Aus dem Beitrag von Roger Griffin)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte von Dehnert,  Gunter, Griffin,  Roger, Kiesewetter,  Hubert, Lobkowicz,  Nikolaus, Luks,  Leonid, Prinz,  Sebastian, Rybakow,  Alexei, Tsoi,  Martina, Umland,  Andreas
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism’s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a different ideal type of fascism, some of whom express deep scepticism about the very existence of an area of convergence on the centrality to fascism of an ultra-nationalist myth of rebirth. The most cited version of the consensus applied by academics who are sympathetic to it is the highly synthetic formula that I used to encapsulate my own ideal type: ‘Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism … The totalitarian movements represented by the PNF and the NSDAP and the totalitarian regimes that they underpinned became the role model for all revolutionary nationalists in the inter-war period and synonymous with totalitarian, mass-based revolutionary nationalism itself. This became known as ‘fascism’ after the first such movement to achieve power, namely Mussolini’s fascismo. However, it was only in Italy and Germany that the structural crisis of liberal society was profound enough to generate a genuinely charismatic form of populist politics, one which was not confined to the hard core of movement activists, but involved the particular type of consensus generated by a ‘palingenetic political community’, thereby creating the basis for a fascist regime. (Aus dem Beitrag von Roger Griffin)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte von Dehnert,  Gunter, Griffin,  Roger, Kiesewetter,  Hubert, Lobkowicz,  Nikolaus, Luks,  Leonid, Prinz,  Sebastian, Rybakow,  Alexei, Tsoi,  Martina, Umland,  Andreas
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism’s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a different ideal type of fascism, some of whom express deep scepticism about the very existence of an area of convergence on the centrality to fascism of an ultra-nationalist myth of rebirth. The most cited version of the consensus applied by academics who are sympathetic to it is the highly synthetic formula that I used to encapsulate my own ideal type: ‘Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism … The totalitarian movements represented by the PNF and the NSDAP and the totalitarian regimes that they underpinned became the role model for all revolutionary nationalists in the inter-war period and synonymous with totalitarian, mass-based revolutionary nationalism itself. This became known as ‘fascism’ after the first such movement to achieve power, namely Mussolini’s fascismo. However, it was only in Italy and Germany that the structural crisis of liberal society was profound enough to generate a genuinely charismatic form of populist politics, one which was not confined to the hard core of movement activists, but involved the particular type of consensus generated by a ‘palingenetic political community’, thereby creating the basis for a fascist regime. (Aus dem Beitrag von Roger Griffin)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-21
> findR *

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte von Dehnert,  Gunter, Griffin,  Roger, Kiesewetter,  Hubert, Lobkowicz,  Nikolaus, Luks,  Leonid, Prinz,  Sebastian, Rybakow,  Alexei, Tsoi,  Martina, Umland,  Andreas
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism’s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a different ideal type of fascism, some of whom express deep scepticism about the very existence of an area of convergence on the centrality to fascism of an ultra-nationalist myth of rebirth. The most cited version of the consensus applied by academics who are sympathetic to it is the highly synthetic formula that I used to encapsulate my own ideal type: ‘Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism … The totalitarian movements represented by the PNF and the NSDAP and the totalitarian regimes that they underpinned became the role model for all revolutionary nationalists in the inter-war period and synonymous with totalitarian, mass-based revolutionary nationalism itself. This became known as ‘fascism’ after the first such movement to achieve power, namely Mussolini’s fascismo. However, it was only in Italy and Germany that the structural crisis of liberal society was profound enough to generate a genuinely charismatic form of populist politics, one which was not confined to the hard core of movement activists, but involved the particular type of consensus generated by a ‘palingenetic political community’, thereby creating the basis for a fascist regime. (Aus dem Beitrag von Roger Griffin)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-21
> findR *

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte von Dehnert,  Gunter, Griffin,  Roger, Kiesewetter,  Hubert, Lobkowicz,  Nikolaus, Luks,  Leonid, Prinz,  Sebastian, Rybakow,  Alexei, Tsoi,  Martina, Umland,  Andreas
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism’s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a different ideal type of fascism, some of whom express deep scepticism about the very existence of an area of convergence on the centrality to fascism of an ultra-nationalist myth of rebirth. The most cited version of the consensus applied by academics who are sympathetic to it is the highly synthetic formula that I used to encapsulate my own ideal type: ‘Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism … The totalitarian movements represented by the PNF and the NSDAP and the totalitarian regimes that they underpinned became the role model for all revolutionary nationalists in the inter-war period and synonymous with totalitarian, mass-based revolutionary nationalism itself. This became known as ‘fascism’ after the first such movement to achieve power, namely Mussolini’s fascismo. However, it was only in Italy and Germany that the structural crisis of liberal society was profound enough to generate a genuinely charismatic form of populist politics, one which was not confined to the hard core of movement activists, but involved the particular type of consensus generated by a ‘palingenetic political community’, thereby creating the basis for a fascist regime. (Aus dem Beitrag von Roger Griffin)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-21
> findR *

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte von Dehnert,  Gunter, Griffin,  Roger, Kiesewetter,  Hubert, Lobkowicz,  Nikolaus, Luks,  Leonid, Prinz,  Sebastian, Rybakow,  Alexei, Tsoi,  Martina, Umland,  Andreas
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism’s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a different ideal type of fascism, some of whom express deep scepticism about the very existence of an area of convergence on the centrality to fascism of an ultra-nationalist myth of rebirth. The most cited version of the consensus applied by academics who are sympathetic to it is the highly synthetic formula that I used to encapsulate my own ideal type: ‘Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism … The totalitarian movements represented by the PNF and the NSDAP and the totalitarian regimes that they underpinned became the role model for all revolutionary nationalists in the inter-war period and synonymous with totalitarian, mass-based revolutionary nationalism itself. This became known as ‘fascism’ after the first such movement to achieve power, namely Mussolini’s fascismo. However, it was only in Italy and Germany that the structural crisis of liberal society was profound enough to generate a genuinely charismatic form of populist politics, one which was not confined to the hard core of movement activists, but involved the particular type of consensus generated by a ‘palingenetic political community’, thereby creating the basis for a fascist regime. (Aus dem Beitrag von Roger Griffin)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-21
> findR *


Faschismus von Griffin,  Roger, Hamre,  Martin, Kemper,  Andreas, Shekhovtsov,  Anton, Virchow,  Fabian
Der Begriff „Faschismus“ scheint zu einem Allerweltsbegriff geworden zu sein: Ausgehend von Mussolinis „Faschisten“, übernommen von den Nationalsozialisten unter Hitler, findet er sich heute in nahezu allen politischen Auseinandersetzungen: Trump, Putin, Orbán, Bolsonaro, in Deutschland Höcke, die AfD. Während einige argumentierten, dem Wort „Faschismus“ fehle es an jeglicher charakteristischen, begrifflichen Bedeutung, liefern andere ausführliche Definitionen seiner –vermeintlich oder tatsächlich – wesentlichen Merkmale. Es handelt sich zweifelsohne um einen Begriff, dessen genaue Bestimmung eine einzigartige Herausforderung darstellt. Roger Griffin, einer der führenden Experten auf dem Gebiet der Faschismusforschung, analysiert mit einzigartiger begrifflicher Klarheit und zugleich sehr lesbar die Ideologie des Faschismus. Er untersucht Ursprung und Entwicklung des Faschismus als politisches Konzept von seinen historischen Anfängen im Italien der 1920er-Jahre bis hin zur Gegenwart – und leitet uns durch das verworrene Labyrinth an Debatten über Natur, Bedeutung und Definitionen des Faschismus. Mit Kompetenz und Präzision beleuchtet Griffin die faschistische Dynamik als utopische Ideologie von nationaler und zugleich ‚rassischer‘ Wiedergeburt. Dabei untersucht er insbesondere auch die Wandelbarkeit des Faschismus über den Zweiten Weltkrieg hinaus und ermöglicht so ein Verständnis faschistischer Elemente in gegenwärtigen politischen Phänomenen wie der griechischen Goldenen Morgenröte, Marine Le Pens Rassemblement National oder der Partei Alternative für Deutschland. Nicht nur für Studierende der politischen Theorie, der Ideengeschichte und der Neuesten Geschichte Deutschlands, Europas und der Welt ist dieser kompakte und fesselnde Band von großem Interesse, sondern auch für alle, die angesichts des vieldiskutierten Ansteigens faschistischer politischer Aktivitäten in Sorge sind. Roger Griffins Einsichten in die Faschismusforschung werden dabei erstmalig in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht. In einem hochaktuellen Nachwort widmet sich Fabian Virchow, Professor für Politikwissenschaften und Experte für Rechtsextremismus und Neonazismus, der Frage, inwieweit sich der Faschismusbegriff auch auf die gegenwärtige Partei Alternative für Deutschland anwenden lässt.
Aktualisiert: 2021-07-08
> findR *

Das Faschistische Jahrhundert

Das Faschistische Jahrhundert von Bruns,  Julian, Burschel,  Friedrich, Griffin,  Roger, Korsch,  Felix, Schilk,  Felix, Strobl,  Natascha, Wölk,  Volkmar
Mussolinis Vorhersage eines Jahrhunderts des Faschismus von 1920 reicht bis heute, da weltweit völkische, nationalistische und in vielfacher Hinsicht faschistische Bewegungen auf dem Vormarsch sind, autoritäre Regime an der Macht oder an Regierungen beteiligt sind. Rechtes Denken und faschistische Ideologie sind heute wieder salonfähig und nennen sich „neu“, auch wenn die Ideen dahinter steinalt sind und ihre Wurzeln tief ins 20. Jahrhundert hinunterreichen. In ihren Beiträgen klopfen die Autor*innen dieses Bandes, Julian Bruns, Felix Korsch, Felix Schilk, Natascha Strobl und Volkmar Wölk, die aufgeladenen Begriffe „Abendland“, „Europa“, „Liberalismus“ und „Identität“ auf ihre Herkunft und Entwicklung und daraufhin ab, welche Bedeutung sie heute für eine Neue Rechte haben, die sich unter anderem auf die sogenannte Konservative Revolution und den Faschismus der 1920er Jahre beruft. Zu hören ist dabei der Widerhall von Krieg, Gewalt und Terrorismus. Das titelgebende Mussolini-Zitat ist Gegenstand des Beitrages des großen britischen Faschismusforschers Roger Griffin in diesem Buch.
Aktualisiert: 2021-09-29
> findR *

Ideokratien im Vergleich

Ideokratien im Vergleich von Backes,  Uwe, Bernholz,  Peter, Bialas,  Wolfgang, Fritze,  Lothar, Gerschewski,  Johannes, Göbel,  Christian, Grashoff,  Udo, Griffin,  Roger, Kailitz,  Steffen, Lübbe,  Hermann, Luks,  Leonid, Macków,  Jerzy, Santoro,  Lorenzo, Schmidt,  Manfred G., Thiery,  Peter, Yoon,  Jiwon
Die Autoren des Bandes beleuchten die spezifische Funktionsweise von Ideokratien.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *

Bücher von Griffin, Roger

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