“Hunter’s Bride” is a film opera based on the romantic opera “Der Freischütz” by Carl Maria von Weber. Dreams and hopes of young people are told in this exquisite fairy tale. Max and Kaspar, both hunters, fight side by side in the Napoleonic Wars, as well as each other to conquer Agathe’s love. European cultural history becomes visible in an opulent historical panorama and one of the most beautiful pieces of music. The pictures of Norwegian director of photography Harald Gunnar Paalgard give a spatial dimension to the unique sound of the London Symphony Orchestra, which recorded in the legendary Abbey Road Studios. Performed by renowned opera soloists – Juliane Banse, Michael König, Michael Volle, René Pape – the film opera was a huge public success in European theatres. Filmed on 35mm film on original locations in Germany, the film opera dramatises the enchanted tale with stunning images, and surround-sound revives the music for the eyes and the ears of the audience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
Between 1844 and 1859 Robert Schumann lived in Dresden where he composed a third of his complete work. Today’s concert marks the 200th anniversary of Robert Schumann‘s birth and offers a welcome opportunity for Daniel Harding and the Staatskapelle Dresden to introduce three of the most impressive but now too rarely performed works from his Dresden period (Overture to Genoveva, Requiem für Mignon and Nachtlied). Particular highlights - which will come as a surprise even to connoisseurs of his works - are a fi rst performance and a world premiere of rediscovered and reconstructed symphonic movements dating from the composer‘s legendary „symphony year“ of 1841. Moreover, the Rhenish Symphony, composed by Schumann after leaving Dresden and widely influenced by his impressions of the Cologne Cathedral, blends in perfectly with the sacral architecture of the Frauenkirche.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
Between 1844 and 1859 Robert Schumann lived in Dresden where he composed a third of his complete work. Today’s concert marks the 200th anniversary of Robert Schumann‘s birth and offers a welcome opportunity for Daniel Harding and the Staatskapelle Dresden to introduce three of the most impressive but now too rarely performed works from his Dresden period (Overture to Genoveva, Requiem für Mignon and Nachtlied). Particular highlights - which will come as a surprise even to connoisseurs of his works - are a fi rst performance and a world premiere of rediscovered and reconstructed symphonic movements dating from the composer‘s legendary „symphony year“ of 1841. Moreover, the Rhenish Symphony, composed by Schumann after leaving Dresden and widely influenced by his impressions of the Cologne Cathedral, blends in perfectly with the sacral architecture of the Frauenkirche.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
“Hunter’s Bride” is a film opera based on the romantic opera “Der Freischütz” by Carl Maria von Weber. Dreams and hopes of young people are told in this exquisite fairy tale. Max and Kaspar, both hunters, fight side by side in the Napoleonic Wars, as well as each other to conquer Agathe’s love. European cultural history becomes visible in an opulent historical panorama and one of the most beautiful pieces of music. The pictures of Norwegian director of photography Harald Gunnar Paalgard give a spatial dimension to the unique sound of the London Symphony Orchestra, which recorded in the legendary Abbey Road Studios. Performed by renowned opera soloists – Juliane Banse, Michael König, Michael Volle, René Pape – the film opera was a huge public success in European theatres. Filmed on 35mm film on original locations in Germany, the film opera dramatises the enchanted tale with stunning images, and surround-sound revives the music for the eyes and the ears of the audience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
Between 1844 and 1859 Robert Schumann lived in Dresden where he composed a third of his complete work. Today’s concert marks the 200th anniversary of Robert Schumann‘s birth and offers a welcome opportunity for Daniel Harding and the Staatskapelle Dresden to introduce three of the most impressive but now too rarely performed works from his Dresden period (Overture to Genoveva, Requiem für Mignon and Nachtlied). Particular highlights - which will come as a surprise even to connoisseurs of his works - are a fi rst performance and a world premiere of rediscovered and reconstructed symphonic movements dating from the composer‘s legendary „symphony year“ of 1841. Moreover, the Rhenish Symphony, composed by Schumann after leaving Dresden and widely influenced by his impressions of the Cologne Cathedral, blends in perfectly with the sacral architecture of the Frauenkirche.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-17
> findR *
Between 1844 and 1859 Robert Schumann lived in Dresden where he composed a third of his complete work. Today’s concert marks the 200th anniversary of Robert Schumann‘s birth and offers a welcome opportunity for Daniel Harding and the Staatskapelle Dresden to introduce three of the most impressive but now too rarely performed works from his Dresden period (Overture to Genoveva, Requiem für Mignon and Nachtlied). Particular highlights - which will come as a surprise even to connoisseurs of his works - are a fi rst performance and a world premiere of rediscovered and reconstructed symphonic movements dating from the composer‘s legendary „symphony year“ of 1841. Moreover, the Rhenish Symphony, composed by Schumann after leaving Dresden and widely influenced by his impressions of the Cologne Cathedral, blends in perfectly with the sacral architecture of the Frauenkirche.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-17
> findR *
“Hunter’s Bride” is a film opera based on the romantic opera “Der Freischütz” by Carl Maria von Weber. Dreams and hopes of young people are told in this exquisite fairy tale. Max and Kaspar, both hunters, fight side by side in the Napoleonic Wars, as well as each other to conquer Agathe’s love. European cultural history becomes visible in an opulent historical panorama and one of the most beautiful pieces of music. The pictures of Norwegian director of photography Harald Gunnar Paalgard give a spatial dimension to the unique sound of the London Symphony Orchestra, which recorded in the legendary Abbey Road Studios. Performed by renowned opera soloists – Juliane Banse, Michael König, Michael Volle, René Pape – the film opera was a huge public success in European theatres. Filmed on 35mm film on original locations in Germany, the film opera dramatises the enchanted tale with stunning images, and surround-sound revives the music for the eyes and the ears of the audience.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-20
> findR *
“Hunter’s Bride” is a film opera based on the romantic opera “Der Freischütz” by Carl Maria von Weber. Dreams and hopes of young people are told in this exquisite fairy tale. Max and Kaspar, both hunters, fight side by side in the Napoleonic Wars, as well as each other to conquer Agathe’s love. European cultural history becomes visible in an opulent historical panorama and one of the most beautiful pieces of music. The pictures of Norwegian director of photography Harald Gunnar Paalgard give a spatial dimension to the unique sound of the London Symphony Orchestra, which recorded in the legendary Abbey Road Studios. Performed by renowned opera soloists – Juliane Banse, Michael König, Michael Volle, René Pape – the film opera was a huge public success in European theatres. Filmed on 35mm film on original locations in Germany, the film opera dramatises the enchanted tale with stunning images, and surround-sound revives the music for the eyes and the ears of the audience.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-20
> findR *
Mahlers 9. Sinfonie verströmt eine Atmosphäre des Abschieds, vor allem aber ist sie eine tiefgehende Meditation über das menschliche Schicksal und mutet wie eine innige Liebeserklärung an das Leben an. Das großartige Schwedische Radio-Sinfonieorchester und sein vielseitiger Chefdirigent Daniel Harding offenbaren, wie modern hinsichtlich Form, Technik und Instrumentierung dieses Werk ist, das auf die folgende Generation Wiener Komponisten eine große Faszination ausüben sollte.
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-30
> findR *
Im Zentrum der märchenhaften Geschichte stehen Träume und Hoffnungen einer jungen Generation. Die Jäger Max und Kaspar kämpfen Seite an Seite. Beide ringen aber auch um die Liebe von Agathe, der Tochter des Erbförsters Kuno. Wie es die Tradition verlangt, muss Max seine Eignung als Schwiegersohn bei einem Probeschuss unter Beweis stellen. Unglücklicherweise trifft er mit keinem Schuss und lässt sich von seinem zwielichtigen Kameraden Kaspar überzeugen, dass nur schwarze Magie helfen könne. Um Mitternacht treffen sie sich in der unheilvollen Wolfsschlucht, um treffsichere Freikugeln zu gießen…
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-30
Juliane Banse,
Olaf Bär,
Weber Carl Maria von,
Franz Grundheber,
Simon Halsey,
Daniel Harding,
Michael Koenig,
Regula Mühlemann,
René Pape,
Benno Schollum,
Michael Volle
> findR *
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