Rule outs in small animal medicine

Rule outs in small animal medicine von Berg,  Dr. Gregor, Berg,  Dr. Stefanie, Hartmann,  Prof. Dr. Katrin
How to achieve a reliable diagnosis – even in complex clinical cases. For such challenges, veterinary surgeons must know about all the possible pathophysiological causes of a particular clinical problem, be able to evaluate them in individual cases and exclude anything which is not relevant using diagnostic pathways. The ‘rules out’ describe this process of exclusion for all aspects of internal medicine in the cat and dog, and ultimately lead to a reliable and secure diagnosis. They form, therefore, an important basis for everyday clinical work and provide a practical guideline for the systematic problem-oriented processing of patients. For students, these ‘rules out’ are a prerequisite for understanding veterinary internal medicine. For experienced clinicians, they are a helpful diagnostic guide especially when dealing with complex cases and so can help in solving particularly ‘knotty’ problems.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-31
> findR *

Rule outs in small animal medicine

Rule outs in small animal medicine von Berg,  Dr. Gregor, Berg,  Dr. Stefanie, Hartmann,  Prof. Dr. Katrin
How to achieve a reliable diagnosis – even in complex clinical cases! Internal medicine cases can be complex and challenging. To manage such challenges, it is helpful to know the possible pathophysiological causes of a particular clinical problem, to be able to evaluate this problem in an individual case and to exclude anything not relevant for this patient using diagnostic pathways. This book describes this process of exclusion (“ruling out”) for all aspects of internal medicine in dogs and cats, and ultimately leads to confirmation of a specific diagnosis. Rule outs therefore are an important basis for everyday clinical work and provide a practical guideline for a systematic problem-oriented approach to patients. For students, these rule outs are a prerequisite for understanding the pathophysiology of clinical presentations and laboratory changes. For experienced clinicians, rule outs are a helpful diagnostic guide especially when dealing with complex cases. – The easy way to a correct diagnosis: comprehensive and concise – Expert knowledge for everyday clinical work – Helpful tool for studies and exams!
Aktualisiert: 2022-11-21
> findR *

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